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"Greetings Summoners! It's me, Feh! Once more coming to you with more news about what else... Faulty Orbs! There's been reports of lots of different orbs with lots of different effects, so pay attention!

Today, the Nohrian Princess Camilla and the Hoshidan Princess Hinoka have gathered together in order to duel over who gets to keep their beloved Corrin. Unfortunately for them, their duel is about to be interrupted by a magical Faulty Orb! Hoooo Noooo! This particular orb is dazzling orange, the element of brotherhood, an important aspect for every hero to have. Brotherhood allows Heroes to form strong bonds with all sorts of comrades, setting aside their differences in order to overcome a common goal. But too much of it and you might begin to lose your sense of self.

Here, Hinoka notices the Faulty Orb in the field and uses it to vault herself into the air for an aerial advantage. Too bad she didn't know about the dangers, because as she did so, she activated the orb and pushed it between her and Camilla! The Nohrian Princess quickly retaliated against Hinoka's maneuver, their weapons clashing loudly. But it was too late. The Faulty Orb had already been triggered and a bright orange flash quickly enveloped the two.

As the light dim and the princesses came back to their senses, they started to notice something weird with their bodies. They felt cramped and strange. Only once they opened their eyes did they realize what was wrong. Camilla and Hinoka were sharing the same body! From the two to the hip, it was all Hinoka's legs, then up to the leg it was Camilla's torso. And on top of Camilla's body rested Camilla's and Hinoka's heads. They were now truly one.

Their first reaction was anger, each thinking the other was responsible for what had happened. They fought a bit in the field, but once they realized it had simply been an accident, they did their best to adapt to their new situation. It was very hard getting used to this shared body. Camilla could only control the right part and Hinoka could only control the left part. But not just that, their fighting styles and personalities were so different that they ended up messing up and not cooperating.

However, as time went on, the two started to grow accustomed to each other. No longer did they think of their body mate as an enemy. The hate and enmity they used to feel slowly dissipated into love and acceptance. They grew accustomed to being together that they no longer wanted to be apart! Soon, the two were controlling their new body expertly, becoming one of the most deadly Heroes in the entire order. 

And now that the two were one, they could both get what they had always wanted, to love their dear brother Corrin. After a lot of flirting and courting, the two managed to form a happy family with Corrin as the husband and Camilla and Hinoka as the wife. A marriage that was even blessed with a beautiful daughter that shared both of their hair colors. As time went on, the two stopped thinking of themselves as separate people. Instead, they were only one. She was Caminoka.

So! With this story, I hope that you have learned of the dangers of Faulty Orbs! If you see one, don't touch it or come close to it. Unless you'd like to find a new body mate. That was it for today summoners! Feh out!"

Hello fellos. Sorry it took so long for me to publish this. Three houses release has been an absolute bulldozer on my creative juices. It's hard to me to do anything other than play that game. Regardless, the next Monthly Patron Poll Story is coming up soon. I'll do my best to do it within the first week of August. I'm also gonna try to write some Three Houses horny, so look forward to that. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this one and cheers!


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