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"Lucina, Corrin and Lyn are arguing over who the best female lord in the series is, when Celica decides to throw her hat in the ring. Unfortunately for the red haired priestess, the trio find her proposition laughable and begin mocking her. But Celica will not take such abuse. Using her magic, she'll show the three how much of a dickhead they are."

Alright, here's a little story I made as an accompaniment to some pictures by Melding Embrace. He made this picture for me as a birthday gift, so I 100% had to make a story along with it. Please show him a lot of love since he's a good friend <3 Also, yes, I finally made a CTF story. Now you can all stop asking about it ok!!! I kid, I kid. CTF is very fun for me, but I wouldn't call it my favorite fetish. I just made this account name at a time when I was really into it. If it's not your style no worries, I don't plan on doing too much of it. Although it was pretty fun to write and I do wish to do a bit more in the future, I'm happy to work on other stuff for now. Anyways, hope you liked this one and cheers!



This is really good I'd be willing to support future parts


so so so amazing