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"Life has been very dull for Maribelle ever since her best friend (and love of her life) Lissa married Henry. That is, until her substitute husband, Gaius, brings home a magical charm that can let her swap anything with anyone. With such amazing power at her hands, Maribelle will do anything to get her darling Lissa into her hands and make her happy. Anything."

Woop woop! Another Patron Poll story! (Even if I still need to make part 2 of Nina's thing) I had a lot of fun writing this one, as I did writing the last one, which is probably why they ended up being so large in length. But I really like the direction in which I took it so I'm happy with the results. This month's patron polls are still up, so if you want to participate in those, you'll need to get at least the 5 bucks tier. Currently Tharja's Cursed Wand of Swap is winning, so I look forward to planning towards that (if it stays winning!). But yeah, that's pretty much all I got to say about this one. Pretty fun, pretty weird. Hope you liked it, and cheers!


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