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"Greetings Summoners! It is I, Feh, bringing you a very important announcement regarding Faulty Orbs! As you might already know, Faulty Orbs are defective orbs that contain too much of a single element, becoming unstable and changing reality around them. So far, we've only seen what these magical artifacts do when they activate around two people. But we've just discovered that they can also wrack havoc when activated next to one person alone! Whoooo-at a surprise! Let's dive into the details!

Here we have the infamous Sword Demon, Karel, hiding in the weapon's closet with his sister's weapon, the Vassal's Blade. Being deeply obsessed with blades, Karel could not help but steal his sister's sword and admire it for himself. He admired and inspected the magnificent sword, comparing its power to his own. And he was so entranced by the blade that he did not notice when he bumped against a nearby barrel which held a green Faulty Orb!

The vibrant green color corresponds to the element of unity, an important aspect for every  Hero to have. With the power of unity, Heroes with all types of ideals  can join together to defeat a common enemy. But too much unity and you  might find yourself stuck somewhere you don't want to be, without  knowing how to get out! 

By the time Karel noticed the orb hitting the floor, it was too late. The orb had already activated and the green light had enraptured Karel and the weapon in his hand whole. A few seconds later, Karel's whole world would change. The swordsman noticed something was off with his body. He could not feel his limbs, and his felt overly stiff. Only when he opened his eyes did Karel realize what had happened. He had been turned into his sister's sword!

With no ability to move his body and no one to hold him, Karel promptly fell to the ground. He struggled as hard as he could to move, but he could not control a single inch of his new body. And though he kept his eyes and his mouth somehow, he could not speak. He could only see with stiff eyes and feel the cold wood floor as he awaited for someone to come and pick him up.

That's when Karel's sister, Karla, entered the room. The girl was in search of her weapon, which she'd somehow misplaced. After a quick scan of the room, she gasped happily. It was right there on the weapon closet floor, her Vassal Blade! When Karla picked up Karel, he tried to shout to Karla, to explain what had happened to him and ask for help. Sadly, Karla could not hear a single word, for Karel was now nothing more than a sword.

Trapped and upset, Karel tries to think of another way of breaking this curse. 'At least it can't get any worse', he thinks. Unfortunately for him, things were indeed about to take a strange turn. Being alone in this confined room with her weapon, Karla begins to feel her womanly parts aching. She scans the room carefully, making sure that no one is in sight. And no one is. 'Perfect!' She thinks, as she removes her panties and pushes away her skirt flap. With a swift push, Karla stabs the ground with Karel and pushes the hilt of her sword into her vagina, as she begins to masturbate with her sword.

The moans and cries of his sister's satisfaction feel weird on Karel's ears (If he even has them anymore. I wonder how he can hear stuff...). What's more, since he can feel every part of the sword as his body, he can also feel himself penetrating Karla's folds. Her womanly fluids drip all onto his body, further increasing his discomfort. But this is simply something Karel will have to get used to, for Karla has a similar devotion to swords as Karel. With humps of increasing intensity, Karla continues to penetrate her vagina with Karel's hilt, until orgasm enraptures her body whole and she releases more climax onto Karel.

As time passes, Karel realizes how truly dire his situation is. Being a an inanimate object means that he cannot do anything on his own. And for some reason no one seems to be looking for him, or even remember his name. Instead he continues being used by Karla as he weapon in countless battles and nighttime encounters, nothing more than a simple object. It seems like Karel has truly become one with the sword...

So! Now you know the dangers of Faulty Orbs! When you see one, don't touch it or come close to it. Unless you'd like to become a true living weapon. That is all for today summoners! Feh oooooouut!"

Here is another Faulty Orbs woop woop. A real quickie and simple one compared to the big previous project. I've been wanting to introduce single orb effects for a while and this seems like a good easy story to do so. I got a few new orbs and single orb concepts in the works, so look forward to those. Besides that, I apologize that there will be no fic this week, only a Faulty Orbs. It's a bit of a busy time around here and these are easier to make, plus I wanted to get started on this month's poll story so I could have that ready next week. Honestly, I didn't quite know what to make a short fic of for this week, which is why I thought it best to forgo it entirely. But I'll try my best in the future to do one fic and one Faulty Orbs per week. Thanks for putting up with me! Anyways, hope you liked this one and cheers!


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