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This is a sequel to another picture! Link to the first part is here!

"Greetings Heroes of young an old! We are happy to announce that the Complete Troop Fusion program has been a total success! More and more heroes are undergoing the program, enjoying their new bodies and forms to their fullest extents! Here are some more tales of the heroes who have been experiencing these amazing transformations!

Lissa & Emmeryn: Thanks to her hazy memory, Emmeryn never considered the Complete Troop Fusion program to be particularly dirty or pervy. Rather, she looked at it as the perfect way to reunite with her sister Lissa! Though initially hesitant, Lissa couldn’t resist her sister’s earnest pleading and the Emmeryn became Lissa’s companion. Little did Emmeryn know that Lissa isn’t the wholesome saint Emmeryn thought she was, and the perverted fantasies brewing inside Lissa slowly grow every day. So far, there haven’t been any bad incidents between the two. Only their regular bathrooms duties and the average bout of morning wood. However, Lissa is most certainly concerned that one of these days, the sight of Emmeryn’s smile is going to illicit more than just arousal from her…

Corrin & Hinoka + Camilla: Camilla and Hinoka have always competed over Corrin’s affection. So when stories of how the Complete Troop Fusion program could connect people closer than ever before started coming out, the two sisters were adamant about doing it with Corrin. Thankfully, new discoveries in the process allowed Hinoka and Camilla to become Corrin’s companions at the same time! The trio’s relationship seemed relatively stable at first. But soon Hinoka discovered Camilla’s love for Corrin was a bit more than sisterly. Camilla would throb and pulsate with arousal, constantly calling for Corrin’s attention. Though Corrin tried to just ignore her, the increased libido of two cocks eventually led her to cave in and start pleasuring Camilla in a perverted way. Hinoka on her end, had no interest in such detestable activities. She believed her love for Corrin was completely pure and righteous. But as Camilla continued degenerating into cockhood and Corrin kept focusing more on her, jealousy and lust rose within Hinoka. The sound of Camilla gurgling cum is forever etched into Hinoka’s minds. Corrin’s gasps of pleasures make her shiver with bliss. Eventually, even Hinoka herself caved and allowed Corrin to pleasure her now and again. Hinoka isn’t quite sure how far she wants to go yet. But every time she sees Camilla’s cockifacation, she wants to fall more and more.

Ivy & Alear: As a devout believer of the divine dragon, there is little she wanted more to have Alear as her companion for the Complete Troop Fusion program. The woman begged Alear desperately, promoting not only its tactical benefits but also how much easier it would be for her to worship the divine dragon. When Alear finally agreed to do it however, she could not have imagined how different Ivy’s worship methods were than that of the average follower. Every waking moment of Ivy’s ‘workship’ was spent thoroughly rubbing, caressing, pumping and masturbating Alear’s length. It didn’t matter if she did it with her hands, a pillow, a toy or even her sister’s pussy, everything was done in order to bring pleasure to her beloved divine dragon. Though initially Alear was adamantly against such behavior, any sort of complaints she might have had were far weaker than Ivy’s love for the divine dragon, both spiritual and physical. As Alear regressed more into a penis, she began to see Ivy’s masturbatory rituals as normal. The constant pleasure and ejaculation have become so commonplace, Alear now actively throbs and pulsated for it. For now, Alear has embraced being Ivy’s source of worship and lust, as she constantly sputs blast after blast of thick cum…

Marianne & Hilda: After hearing about the success of the Complete Troop Fusion program, Hilda was instantly interested in becoming a companion. Not because of any weird pervy reasons, but because as a penis, Hilda would no longer need to work as a normal soldier! No more lugging a heavy axe around or doing hard labor when she was just attached to someone’s crotch! It took a bit of convincing, but eventually she managed to goad Marianne into becoming her host. All seemed absolutely perfect for Hilda. That is, until she discovered that Marianne was a huge perv with an enormous libido! Things all started to go downhill after one momentous morning when Hilda woke up with a stiff body and cum dripping with cum from a wet dream. After that, Marianne’s arousal and sensitivity only continued to climb. Perverted desires and debauched thoughts filled her mind, which made Hilda harder and hornier. Poor Marianne really did try to contain herself, but after so much pressure one day she couldn’t help but cave in and jack Hilda off. Never in her life would have Hilda guessed that such a demure and timid girl could hold so much perverted desire. Hilda’s mind started crashing down as Marianne’s inhibitions melted away. And the more Marianne masturbated, the more Hilda started to grow and thicken into a mighty horse cock. These days, Hilda is much less averse to her situation, as her body always craves Marianne’s needy touch. One thing is for sure, Hilda will no longer have to work or think anymore.

Tiki & Nowi: How Nowi was able to convince Tiki to join her in Complete Troop Fusion, Tiki had no idea. There was probably some appeal to their shared dragon kind in there, perhaps a tinge of loneliness. Regardless having Nowi as a cock was far from an easy experience for Tiki. The little dragon cock was much more active and excitable than Tiki had originally anticipated. Nowi always wanted to play and interact with other heroes, never content to just stay under Tiki’s skirt. While this play was wholesome at first, it did not take long for Nowi to discover the sensitive pleasures of her new form. As Nowi began to indulge in these pleasures, she became much longer and thicker. Nowi would lovingly wrap around people’s bodies and limbs, lusciously rubbing herself against them until she came. Tiki tried to reign her in as she’d grown longer than a lance, but it was too late. Having grown totally addicted to the sensations of being a cock, Nowi abandoned the last of her human instincts as her face shifted into a penis. Before long, Tiki stopped attributing the actions of her cock to that of a thinking being and thought of her penis as more of a mindless body part. In fact, she’s grown so horny and needy, Tiki even stopped trying to hold back her penis all together. Now, Tiki’s mindless cock just attacks and wraps around anything it desires. And recently, it seems it’s found a throbbing pink horse cock it’s quite excited to break~"


Hey everyone! Can't believe May is already coming to an end... All in all, it's been a pretty productive month for yours truly! Got three whole stories done, whereas my usual is 2 fics a month. Where's this third story, you might be asking? I'm gonna be posting it tomorrow. It's basically ready, I'm just working on the thumbnail and proofreading! So I thought in the meantime, I'd share this! Pretty happy with how it came out, and the content is super hot to me. So I hope y'all will enjoy it! I'll probably have more news when I post the next fic, so see y'all then!



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