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"Greetings to all Heroes! We are happy to announce that a brand new method to empower your forces has just been discovered! It's will improve the strength of your Heroes, tighten their bonds closer than ever before. After mastering this, your Heroes will be the fiercest and most loyal warriors known to the battlefield! What is this new method called you might ask... We've named it... Complete Troop Fusion!
The way Complete Troop Fusion works is very simple! Once two units have a strong bond together, they can apply to become a Complete Troop Fusion unit. One of the Heroes will become the 'Host', and the other will become the 'Companion'. Then the Companion's body will merge with the Host's crotch, turning the Companion into the Host's genitalia! A penis, to be precise. This might seem like a crude process, but the results are undeniable. Not only do these special units have the combined strength and ability of both heroes, they also only count as a single unit!

To those concerned about the safety and security of the Hosts and Companions, there is nothing to worry about! Both Heroes have to apply consensually, and the process is both pleasurable and exciting! As long as the Host and Companion don't go crazy with their new forms, the risk is basically 0!
Let's now go over the stages of Fusion!

Stage 1 - Skin Surface
In this stage, the Host's companion retains a mostly human form, except they are shrunken down to the size of a penis. They still have arms, a human torso, and their head. Though they must still piss to relieve their host's needs, they find no pleasure in it and have not intrinsic desire to pee. Their arousal is not connected to that of their host, and they are much less sensitive than a regular penis. They are basically a penis in name alone.

Stage 2 - Basic Penis-ization
In this stage, the Companion's previously human body now resembles that of a cock shaft. There might be some slight human shapes, but the throbbing veins and rounded girth of the penis has taken over most of their form. All that remains of the companion is their head, which rests at the top of their cock length. The hair and face themselves seems relatively unchanged and normal. The Companions can still talk and have some sort of independence, though motion is much harder with their penile body. The Host respect and acknowledge the Companion as their own person. The Companion will not have many penile urges, but they will find acts like pissing and masturbation a lot more palatable than before.

Stage 3 - Partial Cock-ification
In this stage, the Companion's head has lost all of it's hair, and it's head is slowly morphing into a cock. Some of their human features, like mouths, will start to ebb away. Host's and companions can only get to this point by breaking their celibacy and indulging in lustful urges. Companions will suddenly start getting a lot of penile urges. They will want to pee and be rubbed at a moment's notice. These urges are easy to ignore, but become quite often and overwhelming. They will also start becoming more sensitive, specially to their Host's lust as they grow erect without intending to. The Hosts will still recognize that their companions are people, but will sometimes jack off or piss without previously consulting their companions. It's as if using their companions is slowly becoming second nature.

Stage 4 - Advanced Cock-fication
In this stage, the Companion's human head is non existent. Instead, the Companion has a complete cock head, with a urethra replacing their lips and more of their human features disappeared. The Companion's penile urges will skyrocket by this point. They will think and act more like a cock, ignoring their rational minds in search of that luscious pleasure. The hosts will start to intentionally go against their Companion's will. Their companions now respond completely to the Host's will. They can piss at free will and all their arousal will instantly be transmitted into their companions, meaning Hosts will slowly start to think of their companions as less than a partner and more of a body part.

Stage 5 - De-Humanization
In this stage, the Companion barely has any human features left. Whatever their skin color might have been, they are now a pinkish cockhead. The Companions have become more cock than human. While it is still possible for the companion to have human thoughts, their penis thoughts far outpower them. They are mostly driven by desire and pleasure. The Companions slowly strt to forget details of their previous life, important memories they had, and all of their original goals. Their humanity is slowly being replaced with cock-hood. The hosts will now barely even think about their companions. Every now and then they will remember their cock has thoughts, as it stirs in their pants with desire. But their penis acts with so little independence that they mostly consider it a normal part of their body. A host can and does use their cock as if it's just another regular body part.

Stage 6 - Complete Cock-ification
In this stage, there is no more Companion. Only a penis. No human features from the original Companion remain. Their clothes are tattered and in a state of disarray. The penis has no human thoughts or desires. It's just a penis, devoid of any sort of humanity. It's only purpose to cum and piss for the Host. At this poin in the fusion, so long has passed people have started to forget about the Companion as ever being human. Even the host itself begins to forget about the Companion, having fucked and cummed so much they could no longer remember a time they didn't have a dick. In fact, Hosts will often inherit memories of their Companions and believe that they are the ones that went through such events. Thus eliminating any evidence the companion ever existed in the first place.

But how did each of our pairs end in such an arrangement...?

Bernadetta & Edelgard: When Edelgard first heard about the Complete Troop Fusion program, she thought it was the perfect way to make shy and demure Bernadetta a good asset for the empire. Unfortunately, due to some errors in their submission, Edelgard was the one who found herself attached to Bernadetta's crotch as her cock and not the other way around. Edelgard is now absolutely enraged at being put in such a humiliating position. She often writhes and tossles around in defiance, unable to accept she is now a cock and demanding Bernadetta search for a way to turn them back. All Bernadetta can think about though is how horny her rowdy penis is making her...

Mae & Celica: Even since the two were kids, Mae and Celica were the best of friends. The two are still good friends now, but since Celica is married to Alm and Mae is married to Booey, the two fear they will grow apart. That's why the duo decided to enter the Complete Troop Fusion program! This way, no matter how much they invest in their marriages, they'll be closer than ever before! Since the two are best friends, they try their best not to indulge in any perverse acts on their own. However they have started performing orgies with their husbands, where Booey will have his way with Mae's mouth while Alm kisses and sucks on Celica's shaft. The incredible sensation when they have sex with both of their husbands at the same time make them not regret their decision in the slightest.

Byleth & Mercedes: Byleth and Mercedes had been dating for a couple of months when they heard about Complete Troop Fusion. Their relationship was strong as ever, but the duo was so sexually active they were forced to include multiple partners so as to meet their needs. In order to mend the rupture in their relationship, they decided becoming host and cock was the perfect solution to their dilemma. Now that they two share body and lust, they can perfectly match each other's immense desires. A power they use to the fullest, as Byleth uses Mercedes to fuck several girls a day. Now the duo's relationship is incredibly sturdy, and the two are very happy with the results. The only thing that worries Byleth is she feels Mercedes has been acting more like a cock than a partner lately, and how much Byleth enjoys that idea.

Robin & Tharja: As soon as the process of Complete Troop Fusion was announced, Tharja wasted no time begging to become Robin's cock. Robin was a bit taken aback by the idea, not wanting someone as crazed as Tharja attached to her body. But eventually after so much pleading, as well as Robin's tactical mind demanding for optimization, the tactician eventually agreed to Tharja's request. Robin's original plan was that this would remain a professional and tactical relationship alone. This plan quickly came apart as Tharja acted like the neediest and horniest cock ever. Tharja remained erect at all times, she spoke dirty to Robin, demanding to be used and rubbed like the cock she was. Robin tried her best to resist as much as she could, but she has given into her urges enough times that Tharja has devolved into a draconic penis. As Tharja's mind has slowly devolved, Robin has been able to manage her urges somewhat better. But now more and more she's started using her cock of her own volition, without any need from Tharja's prompting...

Forrest & Soleil: The results of Complete Troop Fusion when the host is a man are not well researched, leading to a lot of strange and chaotic results. Soleil's original intention was to become the cute cock of a cute boy like Forrest, that way she'd be able to make love to all sorts of cute girls. However, after she was transformed into a penis, she actually became smaller than Forrest's original dick, turning into a tiny 2-inch micro penis that couldn't even hold an erection. Now instead of hagving sex with tons of girls, the only stimulation Forrest can find is by pleasuring his sensitive anus. His libido increased thanks to Soleil, causing him to chase after big dicked men and futas that would satisfy his needs. Not that Soleil seems to mind, as the cock continously dribbles an endless amount of cum everywhere Forrest goes.

Severa & Lucina: Severa's original pitch to Lucina for them to undergo Complete Troop Fusion was that as Heroes for the order, it was their utmost duty to do whatever it took to become stronger, no matter the cost. The truth however, was that Severa didn't care about duty in the slightest. All the red-head wanted was an enormous fat penis that would help her getting ladies and quench some of her insecurities. As soon as Severa got her Lucina-cock, she wasted no time in masturbating, abusing it and generally breaking its mind. Lucina did complain at first, but those complaints quickly died down as Lucnia's brains were overwritten with cum. Before long Lucina's face had disappeared and she was nothing but a mindless horse cocks. Even the blue spots on her horse shaft withered away until there was nothing left. Some of Lucina's strongest aspects did remain, absorbed now into Severa, suh as her love for her father. Which is why Severa went out of her way to make Chrom her subservient cocksleeve, fucking him with the cock that had been his daughter. Not that Severa even remember what a Lucina was."

Hey everyone! This is a commission I got a while ago. I shared it on a couple of my official sites, like twitter, dicord, fa, but I forgot to post here. The main reason I'm posting it here is that it'll serve as content for a part 2 of the commission that I will be posting on here. I've got more info and announcements on that part, so if you're interested go there.

Part 2!

Link to post: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/56039222/

Link to artist: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/stelladiaabyss



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