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Alright, here's the last piece of content I got for y'all! See you guys in like half a month when I'll finally publish something again lol. But for serious, super happy to have this one done tbh. I'm not gonna lie, in terms of the commissions I accepted for this batch, this one is definitely one of my favorites. Altho thinking back on it, there's a lot of bangers in there so it's hard to say for sure. Point is that I was thankfully able to finish this one in a relatively short amount because of how horny it made me. And I think it shows cus the fic came out pretty superb. Btw, thanks to Franktonius for letting me use this picture for the thumbnail!

In terms of what's next. I think I'm gonna take a break from the cyoa this month. Sorry! The truth is I'm just not that excited to write the next part, and I wanna get through the comms I have, of which there is still a sizeable backlog. If it's of any consolation, my plan for the nearby future is to finish up all the comms so I can have a month of prompts (of the free variety!) It's been quite a long time since I did the last one, and I kind of miss the exercise. I'll probably do it as soon as I finish my last commission, so realistically around August or September. But that means the faster I finish comms, the faster we get to the fun stuff, so that's nice! Anyways, that's about it from me. Thanks for the support as always, and I hope you enjoyed this one! Cheers!


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