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As some of you may remember, Jessie's Chapter 3 left on a big cliffhanger! As a refresher, here's the scene that Jessie's Chapter 3 ends on (spoilers ahead!):

A lot of you have correctly guessed that this means Malcolm will be transforming in Jessie's upcoming final chapter! As part of the development process, we've been tossing around various forms and expressions for werewolf Malcolm, and we wanted to share some of Watsup's concept art with you!

How were you expecting werewolf Malcolm to look? What do you like and dislike about the concept art above? Why is Malcolm just so dashing in that hat? Please let us know in the comments below!




I love a lot of it, but the fur right around the neck seems to be just a bit too much. That’s just me tho.


I like all the woofs. Maybe Jessie will need to knit a loop of string to keep his hat on snug :B


I think the design looks fantastic!


These designs are all incredible!


It looks awesome! I'm so excited


I absolutely love all of these


She said; "Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side."


I haven't but I really can't wait to see this transformation!


Not gonna lie, now I'm even more excited


The design for Malcolm's different stages of wolf form look fantastic. Can't wait to play the final chapter for Jessie!!!


I love it and excited for it


What's better than a werewolf? A werewolf in a snazzy hat. :D

Decius (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-06 19:41:09 Sounds like a nice gift <3
2021-04-25 06:45:34 Sounds like a nice gift <3

Sounds like a nice gift <3


Looks good. great work Watsup. Looking forward to Jessie story.


I absolutely love that first one, really get that full furry vibe from that one. I think the others are a bit less impactful

Shiny Umbreon

I'm down for all this, save for the freakishly long arms. Hopefully those aren't permanent


that hat is cute :v


only way it could get better is if there was a TG option. hat is awesome!


Seeing this really got me excited for sure. So very hyped. I guess I expected Malcolm to look like that so it's pretty spot on.


I was expecting his wolf form to be larger, in that with his training as a soldier and working on a farm I was expecting him to have a bulkier frame and even being larger all around.


I expected Malcolm Wolf to look more muscular. And the long arm design is a little bit weird but cool.


Honestly surprise me, at this point I kept so loosely into it that I think anything should go but adding an ending that involves a lot or transformation would be good for the story, though concept art looks fantabulous


Not bad. Though he should have bigger fangs and muscles in his anthro form.

Rey Fox

I think maybe bring those long arms and huge paws in a bit, since Jesse doesn't really have those in anthro form.


I suspected this was one ending. Although I hope one for her is both in human form.


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


These designs are absolutely superb! Can't wait to see them in action!

Tim Ti

Will we still be seeing from Malcom or will it figuratively zoom out away from his perspective?


Hey devs I was poking around in the game's image files earlier today, and we need to talk about unknown.png Nightmare fuel lmao why is it there


Looks amazing overall, but a few things: - a tad too much neck floof - could be slightly more muscular - arms are a little long


the far right more feral look is my favorite personally

Some Foxy

Looks real good, but his more human and werewulf form could use some more bulk, just a bit to make him more distinguishable from Jessie's wulf form. And as someone else pointed out, his arms should be a little shorter, at least his more humanoid-like form, i think its alright for his more wild form. (Love the hat) Otherwise i really like where this is going, can't wait to get my hands on the finished product!


@GREG So I'm not the only one. I found that thing out like 6 months ago or more lol


the suprised look is my personal favorite

Awesome Dude

ok I’ll say it ; twinning would be neat

Anders Danielsen

He is handsom ƿiþ þæt hæt efen æs æ ƿereƿulf


And they can start shopping at the local Petco for all the cute Halloween dog costumes for Malcolm!


I think we'll end up going with a range of forms for him, so they'll all feature in some capacity ^^


Thanks! It'll be important to have something to ID Malcolm by as the poor lad gets transformed into the multitude of forms we have in store for him XD


We heard people's suggestions and there will definitely be more TF in Jessie's final chapter than in Marion's!


Thanks for the feedback! A few people mentioned the arms and we did tone them down a bit ^^


Glad that we hadn't completely forecast it in the previous chapter-- we try to save some surprises for each new build!


There will be a mix of first and third person perspectives! Malcolm will occasionally step into the scene when it's important.

Manuel Saavedra

Thinking about it a rugged coat of fur but clean and tidy clothes would be a nice contrasting look


Malcolm will end up shifting through this whole spectrum of forms over the course of the chapter, so they'll all feature in some capacity!


Goodbye clothing XP The deer TF I hope was a preview of how destroyed his clothing can get XD