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In addition to Jessie's final chapter, the next build of Changeling Tale will include Baird's Compendium of Faerie Lore as a readable book in-game! The tome will continue to grow as we complete more entries like these ones.

The image album above has some WIP screenshots that show what it will look like. Check out the captions for more details!

In other news, Jessie's chapter is currently in Alpha among the dev team, and we look forward to having the Beta Build ready for our Beta Testers tier soon! Hope you enjoy this sneak peek of the new Baird's feature, and please let us know what you think!


Clicking "Baird's Book" under Memories will bring you to this screen.
Opening the book reveals the Title page. We've added a few subtle nods-- can you spot some of them?
The Contents provides an overview of which entries you've unlocked, and links to each. Alternatively you can use the arrows to change pages.
Each entry will contain the illustration and passage from our Patreon posts. Clicking on the image will enlarge it and make it full screen.
Initially all entries will be locked. Players can unlock entries by reading associated story lines or by completing x% of the total story.



In the next April fools patch, I say the dragon should read Durgon and have an entry on everyone's favorite Noodle durgon.

Tmothy B. Ross

Looks good. I like the fact that you will need to play through the story (stories) in order to get more entries unlocked. Great to hear Jessie's final chapter is in alpha.

Swex The Mischievous Fox

really nice addition! looking forward to it and the last chapter of Jessie


Aw sick! I was wondering when it'd make it into the game. I appreciate that the content is locked to game progression.


Thanks! Yeah, it's been on our to-do list for a bit now-- finally had some time to figure out how to code it!

Danny Schoofs

Lol, allmost as the Fae version of the SCP stuff, totally into it :)