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The Scottish Wolf
Found lurking in the dark shadows of night, the untamed wolf will cast its steely eyes your way, and you’ll ne’er see the light of day again. Despite the visage of a humble sheepdog, their innards are stone cold. Woe to those who leave a gate unlatched, as a hungry wolf will enter to steal anything it can find, whether your tempting flock, or your wee one. Beware the sharp-fanged and foul creature. He is oft wont for pity. Don’t give in to his howls and whimpers, lest you fill with cries of your own.
Stay clear should you encounter a wolf. They offer no gentleness, nothing more than destruction, harm, and predation. Thieves all, wolves know no boundaries. No stone wall will keep them at bay. They will gnaw, beg, purloin until they are sated, which is nigh upon ne’er. With their massive and powerful jaws, they will tear deep into the earth to uncover the bones of the dead. Stories are told of women waking to fields strewn with upturned soil and the severed limbs of their livestock. A vile creature, the wolf, causing such panic that forced Scots to bury their kin offshore on distant islands.  
A man in Drumdargour claimed to have tamed a wolf, by offering it scraps of his evening haggis, and calming it with drams of whisky. The animal was determined by his village priest to be a hybrid wolf-dog, and immediately ordered to be burned. At which time, the wolf bolted and was not seen again. 
Nota bene: Though it is claimed that the last wolf in Scotland was killed in the late 17th century by Sir Lochlainn Stewart in Eaglais Fheichein, Dumfries, many a Scot claim to have seen wolves roaming the Highlands up through the days of Bonnie Prince Charlie.


Seems like Baird has a bone to pick with wolves! Wonder why...

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A shadow Jessie has appeared!


Such slanderous commentary on wolves. SHAME!


Town: - Kills almost all wolves - Also Town: "Why do all wolves hate us?"


Makes me wonder why Prince Charlie wanted the wolves gone in the first place. They sound more like giant pests.


Jessie's wilder cousin :P


The wild beasts certainly had a quirk that made them infamous at the time...hmm how strange.


It's funny how wild animals when seen from far are majestic but when you feel that they are to close, they turn from beautiful tranquil animals to monsters.

Thistle Fox

It took me a moment to realize Baird was talking about regular wolves. I get the feeling he and a certain wolf wouldn’t get along.


Admittedly, I too would feel concerned if there weren't a glass wall between me and a pack of wolves!