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Just wanted to share with everyone some concept art of the romanceable character you all have been helping us to design with your input and votes!  Pulling from your earlier suggestions, Wat has sketched three possible designs of what the character will look like fully transformed.

If you are in the voting tier, be sure to vote for which one you like best!  The poll is live and will end at the end of the month!

    (Warning: TF form spoilers ahead!) 

Here's how the three potential designs turned out:

Some details (e.g. clothes details, which limbs are prosthetic, etc.) may change depending on how the story develops.  We may also change certain elements if we get a lot of feedback from you about aspects of a design that you would like to see changed.  But all in all, the design above that gets selected will be the foundation for the transformed character!

We're definitely looking forward to finding out which one voters like best.  Let us know what you think, too!




I think I like 3 the best simply because she has living wood horns. It would make an interesting juxtiposition if the horns atop her head are living/flowering, emphasizing a spirit of growth and rebirth, while the wood of her prosthetic arm and leg are not living and although useful, are dead and done growing. It'd make for at least an interesting talking point in the game as a parallel to her missing limbs. Also, while I like the idea of a walking stick, I think the tail effectively functions as a more effective walking stick, especially given the size of these girls, also why walk with wings? For designs 1, I think the tail fin is already covered in one of the other characters in game. For design 2 I feel like the wings would need to be a little more fairy then fae, maybe prismatic butterfly? The biggest detractor for 2 for me is the snout looks more griffon then dragon. I think the other two were a bit more on target for dragon. Although I do really like 2's horns, very spirit of the forest.

Fox Face

Agreed re: the reason why 3 is the best C.S. Fox. The living horns flowering would be a great visual metaphor for the character's own renewed lifestyle. I also like the bigger, more elaborate hairstyle as well.


I am a fan of #1, but I think the fin seems a little... tacked on almost? It looks like something for a sea creature almost.


3 but with more muscles <3


I agree with Aledeth and I don't understand the wooden arms.


But 1 looks really good I’m torn :p


Hopefully they'll make more sense in the context of the story.

Edward Dubois

Her wings might be a bit much (I worry it could be distracting) but I really like #2 the best. Though, if all the animal people can do basic shape-shifting to appear human, I imagine she can hide her wings when she needs to. So yeah, in my opinion 2 looks best.