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Patron Decided Romance - Design Poll (Minor Spoilers, NSFW)

  • Design 1 87
  • Design 2 26
  • Design 3 70
  • 2019-05-12
  • —2019-06-01
  • 183 votes
{'title': 'Patron Decided Romance - Design Poll (Minor Spoilers, NSFW)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Design 1', 'votes': 87}, {'text': 'Design 2', 'votes': 26}, {'text': 'Design 3', 'votes': 70}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 6, 1, 7, 0, 36, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 12, 19, 12, 30, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 183}


Important vote time!  Let's choose a design for the romanceable character you guys have been voting for!

Pulling from your earlier suggestions, Wat has sketched three possible designs of what the character will look like fully transformed.  If you don't want spoilers on what that final form may look like, don't continue reading!  But if you don't mind viewing some concept art and choosing which you'd prefer, read on :D

Here's a quick refresher on the character concept that won the vote:

  • Friend of Malcolm's who was disabled in the war
  • Dragon, M/F Relationship
  • A positive story about camaraderie and overcoming disability
  • TF Themes: TG-TF, Size Growth, Instinct, Difficult Decisions/Major Consequences, Flight

Without further ado, let's take a look at our design choices!

And here are our ladies as viewed with x-ray vision:

Find both files attached for larger-scale viewing : )  Thank you, Wat, for these lovely and creative designs!

Just a couple of quick disclaimers-- some details (e.g. clothes details, which limbs are prosthetic, etc.) may change depending on how the story develops.  We may also change certain elements if we get a lot of feedback from you about aspects of a design that you would like to see changed.  But all in all, the design above that you select will be the foundation for the transformed character!

Questions, comments, thoughts?  Let us know below or in Discord ^^  Voting ends at the end of the month.  Looking forward to seeing which one you all like best!



Lunatico Ursus

All three look fabulous, it's a pity that there's only room for one. Having to vote I'll say that the first one is my favorite


I like the look of the prosthetic arm and leg combo on the 2nd and 3rd designs. The styling on the prosthetic of the 3rd is a really nice touch. But I like the look of the 1st design the most. Would like to see the arm-leg combo on the first design.


Hmm... I like parts of all of them. The wings on the second one were the deciding factor in turning me away from that one though. I wound up voting for #3 because fluffy tail and she's not 8ft tall (though I'm not a fan of the hair or horns).


I like the fourth hidden Wryverm / Wurm option! - but voted for #2,


I love them all. But number 3 has to have my heart. Always a thing for shorter girls X3


I like #3 cause she's smolest of the 3... at just over 6ft tall XD


I think #1 is beautiful :)


I personally like #3. I like the 7 foot tall petite lass, and I like how she still wears the uniform to maintain a bit of her old identity. She could be a bit taller though.


Sorry! We did toss around the idea of doing a wyvern, but we struggled to think of an anthro wyvern design that would accommodate clothes :S As is, most of those outfits are going to need some tailoring to accommodate the wing designs!


I like 2 and 3 best for different reasons. I like the outfit, details, and the horns on 3 but I really like the idea of what those fae wings could look like fleshed out. Plus the prosthetic limbs on the one side makes more sense if they were caught up in an explosion. I can even imagine one of the horns being dead, while the other side is alive. They're all great though, excellent work Wat. Gosh. It might not be the direction to go in but the idea of shedding layers of scar tissue to reveal dragon scales seems really neat.


We are considering changing all 3 to "fae" like wings, but grounding 1 and 3 in their design a bit more to look closer to dragon wings they have when we're done. This would mostly be done out of simplifying her design when the wings would clutter the scene up and magical "fae" type wings giving us that option. If you've ever seen the show gargoyles and you see how they fold their wings into capes so that the animators don't have to constantly animate wings in ever scene, the design choice would have the same purpose :V


A combination of 2 and 3 could be cool, the fae wings are awesome, but so is the fluffy tail. I like the dress in 2 best also. Maybe go with something like from the film annihilation's deer plant antlers for reference for 3#.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-06 19:44:58 Despite preferring #1's height and build overall, the fluffy tail and arm/leg combo prosthetics of #3 are what won me over. I didn't like/dislike the horns of either but I do prefer their wing styles over #2. The prosthetics...I would think losing both arms would be more crippling than both legs or an arm and a leg so thus my apprehension with #1. Aesthetically speaking, whether it's both legs, alternating arm & leg, or same side arm & leg that require prosthetics, it doesn't matter to me. In any case, I'm expecting to see where the Durgan to be gets the fancy devices.
2019-05-12 20:40:58 Despite preferring #1's height and build overall, the fluffy tail and arm/leg combo prosthetics of #3 are what won me over. I didn't like/dislike the horns of either but I do prefer their wing styles over #2. The prosthetics...I would think losing both arms would be more crippling than both legs or an arm and a leg so thus my apprehension with #1. Aesthetically speaking, whether it's both legs, alternating arm & leg, or same side arm & leg that require prosthetics, it doesn't matter to me. In any case, I'm expecting to see where the Durgan to be gets the fancy devices.

Despite preferring #1's height and build overall, the fluffy tail and arm/leg combo prosthetics of #3 are what won me over. I didn't like/dislike the horns of either but I do prefer their wing styles over #2. The prosthetics...I would think losing both arms would be more crippling than both legs or an arm and a leg so thus my apprehension with #1. Aesthetically speaking, whether it's both legs, alternating arm & leg, or same side arm & leg that require prosthetics, it doesn't matter to me. In any case, I'm expecting to see where the Durgan to be gets the fancy devices.


I have seen gargoyles and I agree. Also, I think the simple dress would look nice with that sort of wing/cape design.


Give #3 Fae wings and we have a winner. Also my favorite feature of 3 is the living horns that could sprout different flowers during different situations or something

Tmothy B. Ross

While I like the hair of design 02, I like design 01. Either way the designs are all good and I can't wait to see which one wins.


Initially I was thinking 1. The longer I look, though, the more #3 is growing on me.

James Parsons

If I had to pick just one. It would be #1. I love her design the most as it give off a strong highlands amazon feel and the prosthetic arms reminds me of Violet Evergarden. That being said, there are elements of #3 that I like as well. Namely the "Living wood Horns", the mane, and fluffy tail. Ideally, I wish we could give those elements to #1.

Liane Rabbitfangs

I'd say #3 is the best. The living wood horns present some awesome possibilities. I like the balance of her prosthetics being on opposite sides of the body. I prefer the fluffy tail to the other 2 choices. And finally, I think it quite likely Malcolm's disabled war buddy would decide to continue wearing military kit, having found that it suits him/her best. That civilian clothes just don't feel right anymore.

Isac Arellano

i overall like design 1 but would like to see the fluff tail from 3 and i agree with the prosthetic best being an arm and leg just my humble opinion.


The design for the prosthetics is an interesting look to the three. However, the one arm, one leg prosthetics seemed didn't mount the weight of burden or pain for the character. I believed that both legs should be prosthetics as it builds around his story and we feel the sense of remorseful pity. Also 3rd choice I would go for. Love the horns.


I love design 1's physique, but I want Design 2's long hair. Design 2's also has a the cutest snoot.

Fox Face

I love the design of #3. The fluffy tail and living horns really seem like a visual cue for the renewed/reborn life of the soldier, and I vastly prefer the arm/leg combo to the arm/arm, which gives off an oddly steampunky vibe to me. However, whichever is chosen, I hope that the military uniform of 3 is retained. It's a nice link to the soldier's old life continued into the new.


Tough choice – I like the Fae dragon wings and the corresponding body-type and size of #2, but the living wood horns and fluffy tail of #3 are awfully hard to pass up.


one is the best choice between the criteria, though having the leg prosthetic from #3 with the walking stick could give the story a lot better, the size growth and even the difficult decisions about being a big dragon, the second design is amazing though if possible it should be another option, the third does look very cute and would fit in with the story, though that's up to the votes ;)

Sean Parker

I like the size and the facial look of #1, as that seems much more intimidating and drastic a change. I also love the wings on #1 and #2, but the #2 wings while very cool would have to be bigger i think in the final design. The horns and prosthetics being wooden are what i love the most about the designs! I would love the living wood horns being on either #2 or #1 as well, with maybe them transitioning on #1 from the dead ones to the live ones as the story goes on. Like say his frind is feeling dead and worn down like the horns in #1, but as you interact with them, the horns will slowly bloom to life as you get closer with them.


Now see I like 1 the best, but I have to say having the arm and leg lost on one side of the body would make for better story telling. Without both arms then I cant really see how he would go about trying to live on his own, before the prosthetic. Both legs would just wheelchair bound him. One leg and one arm would instead make it so he CAN do some things but it is a constant struggle, a reminder of what he lost. His friends can talk him into going out but he has to use a crutch and constantly battle only having the one arm. Also it would mean a second character to take care of him if he lost both arms. The normal prosthesis of the time were, of poor quality. But this also may just be my own random thought process. Oh and I like the general design elements of 1, she looks and feels more confidant. More like a veteran would be after overcoming a lot of shit. Also the size. Very appropriate for a dragon. ehhh, but looking at it longer I like the uniform from the 3rd one and the 3rd one looks more kissable but I would still go with the 1st if I had to chose right now.

Val Salia

i like the dragen one

Aaron Cardarelli

For prosthesis i'd say an arm and a leg as that would severely hamper someone, especial for that time, but wouldn't necessarily make it so they couldn't function at all on their own (like loosing both arms might). I find myself partial to opposing sides as well (like in #3). For clothing I'd say start with kilt and transition to a cute dress latter in the story as "she" develops.

Aaron Cardarelli

What does it say that I actually upped my donation to take part in this particular pole? :P


That you appreciate culture! :B

James Parsons

Great minds think a like. I also like the designs of #3's prosthesis better then #1s. I think changing form a weak and broken body into strong body that is vibrant and full of life suits this story best.




I loved 1 and 2.