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We've been focused on editing/coding Jessie's Chapter 3, so we don't have any new art to share right now, but I did want to bring you guys up to speed on some recent project developments:

You may have noticed last week that Discord roles for this and other Patreon campaigns disappeared x_x  Well, I'm happy to say that, as of today, it's finally been resolved, and everyone should have your roles back!  Yaaaay!  If you're still missing any of your roles, please message myself or Watsup and we'll make sure it is restored.  A big thank you to Mindy and her team over at Patreon for helping fix the issues!

In other news, we're excited to announce that the process to put Changeling Tale on Steam is officially underway!  Our information is under review, and so long as we meet Steam Direct's extremely high standards (hurr hurr), we should have a game page approved in a few weeks for people to find CT, wishlist it, and play the demo.  Hopefully it will help lots of new people find and enjoy out game!

We'll keep everyone apprised as things come further along, and look forward to sharing the Steam page with you soon!  Hope you all have a great week!



Neat, congratulations on getting onto stream. Also, what is a role?


A role is just a flag that allows you access to the patron only channels on discord.


Quite a few people were asking why they couldn't access the patron-only channels on our discord server-- the bug really played havoc preventing people from participating in them!


If you are a patron, you can go here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/settings-creator/apps">https://www.patreon.com/settings-creator/apps</a> and click link to discord, it will link your discord account to patreon, and then give you roles automatically :B


Thats great i hope to this game when it fully comes out. Also Napoleon i left u a message on Twitter.


I still play the demo as well.