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While the rest of us are working on Jessie's Chapter 3, our writer is keeping a step ahead, setting up the next chapter that you voted for, Grace's Chapter 3-- and we'd love your input!

What would you do with your newly-transformed, scaly girlfriend?  We're looking for date ideas, funny scenarios from a day-in-the-life, or anything entertaining that might happen between Grace and Malcolm as they adjust to her new form.

We've asked before and gotten some great responses, so we wanted to make sure to give newcomers a chance to give their input as well.  Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!


Giza White Mage

I like fish, and she could probably fish better than I could and catch bigger fish than I could. So I'd see myself having a lot more fish in my diet!


Personally I think a run in with a fisherman or even a date to the fish market would be an adorable idea, or even a date while fishing itself as the main activity.


Springing off of other people's fish theme, sushi? Otherwise, romantically rowing in a lagoon or loch.


Hurt/comfort option. Maybe Grace gets a hook in her lip and Malcolm takes care of her.


Maybe this is in the game already since I can’t seem to get to her chapter two, but maybe she and Malcom can go on a treasure hunt to a ship that may have sunk in the Loch perhaps?


Malcolm takes Grace for a stroll in the town via a large wheelbarrow full of water


How deep is the water in a well usually? I think it would be pretty interesting to see the lighting and such as well as...it's echoey, and secluded in a well... Maybe Malcolm has to keep one foot in the bucket and try not to drown.


I ferry ride that ends with her swimming home out of boredom leaving me stranded... no wait, a fishing trip where she laughs at my attempts to catch fish with a pole while she snags them all under the water. A swim at the local watering hole where she learns she can shoot high powered water at children and scare them by pretending to be a shark. She later gets us kicked out of Balgairs by doing this with beer to someone who calls her Nessie and insinuates she's larger than Bessie, the previous winner of the local cow shows "biggest cow on earth" prize.

Tmothy B. Ross

A moment of intimacy turns awkward when her scaly form isn't quite suited to the position they were trying to place themselves in.


I'd check what is considered comfortable for her temperature, so maybe get her to do a bit of sunbathing or hitting up a sauna. If water's preferred, I'd suggest a hot spring.


Most ideas above me sounded perfect. Nothing worth for me to add upon. But if I must then I would like to see another night sequence. Somewhere they had never seen before and spent at the calm banks of a river.


I like the image of malcom fishing off her back, like she were a rowboat


How about Trip to a Loch Ness monster themed tourist trap? or a trip to the natural history museum? (which could have a display about plesiosaurs)


I say let them find a private island, and she starts hoarding treasures there. Then she and Malcolm work together to calm Marriott from her panic attack. Something like a family vacation, to bring the two sisters together. Maybe including grandmother to sort out the whole PUCA theory to them as if was from the Marriott chapters. I got a sexy idea, but it maybe a bit much.


As a date... watch sunset and explore some ruins. Urquhart Castle sits beside Loch Ness in the Highlands of Scotland, in modern day its a park you can visit, but after dark there's nothing more then a charlie bar blocking cars from driving to it. In college we've walked from Drumnadrochit to sit on the ramparts drinking and just staring out at Loch Ness in the moonlight. I don't know how much the police it these days but its an awesome thing to do if you're ever in the area. Another idea, maybe try fishing together? As a fast swimmer, Grace could herd schools of fish the way that some dolphins do or push them toward a net or even try some aggressive hunting like a lion seal. Could also take Malcom on something of an undersea pony ride, like hold tight to my back and take a deep breath, there's a sunken ship I want you to see...


Maybe word of the mermaid or monster of the loch spreads wide enough to attract visitors and Malcolm gets the idea to create a decoy to lure away the unwanted eyes. This could lead to people believing the monster was a hoax all along and diffuse a potentially complicated scenario. The stubborn fisherman could remain a potential antagonist trying to capture Grace.

Some Dude

As much as Grace is carefree about her whole future, Malcolm has to break down on her that loch that she's now live in is not well suited for sudden appearance of new big predator like herself. And if she's about to keep feeding on fish that lives there, fish numbers will dwindle drastically in no time. Aside from food problems it will make her living there not really secret anymore, cause fish disappearence is too obvious for everyone. So to solve named problems Malcolm starts to dig pond for baby fish nearby, planning to compensate fish that she eats with fish farming. Whole this business should not be suspicious for neighbourghs if he'll just come up with excuse that now when he's back, he is just trying to elevate his farming up a notch venturing into new farming strategies.

Some Dude

I'm kinda worried about her imminent wintering as well. Common fish just slows down its metabolism and kinda hibernates whole winter, but what about mermaid? Since noone actually can confirm how they winter Malcolm may also be inclined to build some kind of bathhouse to keep her warm in case of emergency. Ok, my suggestions seem kinda paranoic and down to earth, but that exactly 2 first thoughts that came to my mind when i thought about how the hack your mermaid girlfriend can live in a loch. Blame your serious style of narrative for that, I would never bother to think about this stuff in some kind of monster girl setting anime :P

Sean Parker

They should address her massive size as well in her later transformation by realizing how gentle she has to be with Malcolm.

Sean Parker

Adding on to this, I like the image of Grace constantly playing pranks on all the local fishermen and Malcolm having to cover for her constantly


Ok, this sounds a little kinky, but what about Grace experimenting with her body during changes -- like for instance, giving Malcolm a footjob as her feet become more like flippers, or straight up sex while her body starts getting bigger... But that's just off the top of my head.


They could go diving for oysters. Malcolm rents a small boat and a net. As Grace's hands lose dexterity she can't open the shells. She could try smashing them on her belly like an otter, but ultimately Malcolm uses a small knife to pry them open for the two. Maybe he takes his shirt off and uses it to protect his hand. During one of Grace's dives for more oysters Malcolm finds an imperfect, misshapen pearl. Before Grace arrives he pierces the pearl with a fishing hook, bends it so it looks nice and with some silk fishing line, fashions a simple necklace. He pockets it when Grace emerges, but Grace doesn't have any oysters this time. She found the wreck of an ancient ship and wants to show Malcolm. They go down and exposed among the wreck is a chest. Grace carries it up to the boat and Malcolm works the lock. (The chest may just contain the simple decaying artifacts of a long dead couple, or it may contain magic treasure from when the fae lived freely among humanity. Said fae treasure may or may not lead to further shenanigans.) Malcolm is suddenly underwhelmed by his necklace, but timidly offers it to Grace anyways. Grace is flattered and after she lets him tie it around her neck, she gives him a gift from the chest. Whatever else happens happens, and by the time Malcolm returns the boat the fisherman is both upset that the boat is covered in oyster shells, but stunned at the sheer volume of shells on the boat. Malcolm may or may not offer some treasure/gold coin as payment. (Potential treasure might include another necklace pulled from a skeleton with something protruding from its rib cage. The treasure may allow the wearer to breath underwater, and that may spark changes in Malcolm that could suit his relationship with Grace's new environment and form.) Not trying to be cute, when I say maybe, it's all up in the air, anyways its just a suggestion :P

James Parsons

I like alot of the ideas posted so far ( especially ComicTF's), but if I'd be happy if we still get this scene. https://www.patreon.com/posts/floating-scene-8873296


cuddles then probly work on behbeh scales


I want to have Malcolm and Grace hunting other large predators such as sharks or giant squids together.


Kaiju Grace rising from depths and crushing the town. (For real though, maybe nice sushi date. That would be cute.)


Weird thing happened, at the end of the 3rd day a strange blonde woman I'd never seen before (I mean Alana) showed up at the front door, with Malcolm saying she was the woman he saw at the market that day. Malcolm did not GO to the market that day, he spent the whole day working on the stable roof then running after Hazel and meeting with Grace, and as I already mentioned I hadn't seen Alana before at this point. Event trigger bug? Or just a writing fumble?


Nessie? The man-eater Nessie?

Zachery Gilbert

I found that the text in the letter that is left behind by Jessie is off to the side if you go down Grace's path and completely ignore Marion in the app version. (sorry Idk how to insert pics here)

Isac Arellano

maybe a trip to fae realm but make it a watery area waterfalls maybe, haven't seen any of the mentioned fae realm so could be a fun introduction to it.