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UPDATE- Species Poll is live!


Now that the new Animation Update is live, it's time to get the ball rolling on the Patron-Decided Romance option that -you- guys made possible!

Here's the plan: In between regular game news & updates, we're going to make a series of posts over the next couple of months asking you for ideas about species, romance type, occupation, TF themes, etc. We'll take the ones that will work with the story and hold a poll for each category. Then once we know which ideas you guys like the most, our team will come up with three or four character concepts that draw from those leading responses. You get to decide which one will be a romance option in the story!

So let's get started! What kind of species should the new romance be, or turn into?

  • We need a species that is not currently represented in the game (MINOR SPOILERS: something other than Cow, Wolf, Sea Serpent, Rabbit, Horse, Goat, Cat, Deer, Owlbear)
  • It should also be a plausible species for Scotland. That can include mythical creatures!

Write your ideas in the comments below!  Comments and questions are welcome here (or in the Discord), too!




Maybe a mythic animal from the Scottish legends?


Yeah I was just thinking fox


Some kind of big bird would be cool, like a swan or a hunting bird. Not to many good bird TF's out there.


I would suggest otter. They are native to Scotland and are pretty unique compared to the other species in the story.

Shuual Ashe

We need a vulpine romance!




What about Selkies or Loch Ness Monster?




Fox or a Red Kite


For the mythical associated with scotland and europe, Unicorns and Dragons !




How about a bird? Avians are so far missing on the list.


I have three mythicals: Kelpie, Each Uisge (both kinda horselike ;)) and Selkie. For a normal animal a seal girl would be nice (what a Selkie basicly is)


I'm sympathetic to Tharkis' call for unicorns (very Scottish) and dragons (mildly Scottish), as well as NovaMoose's for otters (more Irish, but still hella cute); however, I most relate to Saradi's call for things that fly. How about a gryphon or something like a great spotted woodpecker?



Shuual Ashe

I would love to see a kitsune romance! Unfortunately, I don't think Scotland has a cultural counterpart to kitsune so it would be out of place...


An actual Fey.


I humbly suggest either a unicorn or a dragon, for reasons that should be completely obvious for those who know me.


A red squirrel or perhaps a golden eagle?


Ferret! :D because they're flexible adorable catsnakes!


Scottish dinosaur, that is all.


<a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2015/12/02/giant-footprints-in-scotland-reveal-the-dinosaurs-that-once-roamed-there/?utm_term=.8db2eed197c6" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2015/12/02/giant-footprints-in-scotland-reveal-the-dinosaurs-that-once-roamed-there/?utm_term=.8db2eed197c6</a>


Golden eagle, was a good idea. But so are dragon and fey... hmmmm a pine marten... or maybe a badger?


There is a real life history of an Japanese entrepreneur visiting scottland in 1920 to learn how to make whiskey. It can be worked with :D

Tyler Green

A siren or vampire would be neat.


The thing about a vampire is that it can still be any other base race... unicorn vampire? technically possible... if anyone could pull it off correctly, I bet it would be Little Napoleon

James Parsons

Griffin, Gargoyle, Goblin, Gremlin, or Dragon would work for me! :D


Though generic my vote would be on Foxes! I did research this...slightly...and there are notes of Celtic myths regarding foxes as shapeshifters and as guides who know the trees (nature) well. I know the most common theme people have with foxes are based off their cunning and trickster nature...but maybe there can be a fox character that tries to go against stereotype. Just spitballing ideas I suppose :-P




Red Squirrel!


Bird or harpy-ish creature :)


an otter would be fantastic


Gryphon or Dragon

Keatan Royce

I want to see an avian interest like suggested earlier by H or an harpy like Scott suggested


a Jaybird. Or if it needs to be more native to Scotland a cute puffin. :D


Moose girl? or maybe some type of bird (too bad harpy's aren't lore friendly)


How about a bat? OMG! Who would've guessed I would've suggested that. (or a durgon)


I would say Bat would be great but I'd also be into an Otter or a Squirrel.


My thoughts move toward either soft and fluffy pawed mammal or super adorable that aren't quite so much like the other ones already in game. So maybe ones like a skunk, mouse, otter, squirrel, ferret or bear, *maybe too close to owlbear?* or exotic like a tanuki, they are master shape shifters after all! . While I like fox, I think it's too close to wolf, and dragon is cool but a lot like sea serpent.


Dragon girl. Absolutely hands down.


Red Squirrel would be cute and the selkie, a seal-changeling, might fit with the theme. Beavers, too. Some kind of bird like a puffin would stand out from all the others already in the game.


A unicorn! Can’t have the game set in Scotland and not have Scotland’s national animal

Edward Dubois

It's pretty cliche, but surely there must be fox characters in Scottish folklore. Also I second the otter suggestions. An otter character could be very cute.


I would like to see a bear, dragon, otter or griffin.


i like the sound of Otter , unicorn or dragon


Fox or squirrel


Hen or pig might be fun. Also like Squirrel or otter

Sam wolf

The European pine marten is pretty common in northwestern Scotland

Kaerea Shine

How about one of the native bat species, like a brown long-eared bat, or a Leisler's bat?

Tmothy B. Ross

Hen would be nice. As would a Fox. A Dragon might be to close to your Sea Serpent, but I would like to see that as well.


Prefer either dragon or unicorn with an owl or squirrel being close second


I hear one of the artists on the game is pretty well known for their dragon girls and have wondered why the game doesn't have one :V






A Dragon or a Fox. There are stories of them shapeshifting in most eastern cultures, so it's not a far fetched for either of them. Enfield and elves too. Or an actual changeling. Also, called it on Hazel being a shifter. Horse proves it.


Fairies too!

Eric Strause

My vote goes Dragon


VIXEN! yes it is totally overdone, but I don't care and I will fight anyone to the death who challenges me. Also their is plenty of that species up in Scotland. FIGHT ME!


I'll go ahead and suggest four: Pig or Chicken, for the whole farming countryside theme, an Adder snake...for a bit of danger and because dragon is the only reptile I see here, (Sad really), and finally....to go out on a limb.....How about a Dryad? Could go the full tree route too.

Austin Judes

My vote would be for a bird of some kind maybe an owl of sorts.

Some Foxy

Either a (purple) dragon or a (silver) fox.

Thed Preston

Polecat! Would say Skunk but those aren't native to Scotland.

Liane Rabbitfangs

How about either a brownie (faerie) or a Ciuthach (A cave dwelling spirit localised to the Highlands.) for mythical creatures.

Liane Rabbitfangs

For real animals There is the Scottish Wildcat , otter or red squirrel.


I would vote for squirrel cause super cute or a stag to seduce a tg'd player as I think that the beautiful devs have chosen that for the players species.

Isac Arellano

I will list 4 in the order i would like to see most first Cave Bear, Wolverine, Great Bustard, and last Tree Frog thank you for providing people this opportunity.

Reginald Trout

Well, their seems to be a huge push for Dragons. you could also have Selkis and Kelpies, though that might conflict with Grace and Hazel. Scotland also has a Badger population, and Wild Boars I think. just throwing some out there I havn't seen in the comments yet.


I've heard that, too, but it sounds like a load of crock.


Red squirrel would make the most sense. Badger would be another good option, but yeah, Red Squirrel for #1.

Art of GI

Balgair, the most mythical creature of them all, a true Scotsman!


During the Ice Age, there was a <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Ice_Age_leopard" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">species of leopard</a> similar to the Asian snow leopard that lived in the British Isles, which are now extinct. How about one of those?


Need some sort of reptile in there for us scalies, so plausible for Scotland; we're talking a dragon ^.=.^


Some type of Dragon or Snake


I like the dragon lass we saw for the April Fools update, but I'll take another dragon or avian as well!


DANG I don't think I've ever seen this many post, this fast... I'm sure you know what my first suggestion is, but if you want a suggestion besides dragon: griffon Cu Sith (Dog) bear fox Unicorn


I'll go with fox... Yes, I'm boring like that!


dragon, fox, or border collie


How about a griffin :)


Dragons are overrated. How about a Wyvern?


I second both the unicorn and dragon ideas.


Since the responses have been so numerous and varied I'd like to suggest that the dev's pick out the top five most popular choices and have a second round of voting on them.


Fox or Cù-Sith


I vote a dragon, though most would just leave it at that I would suggest an eastern dragon with the option to romance a woman from out of town, though she thinks her change is actually a blessing, if the eastern dragon doesn't work then a western dragon could work and they can be a princess that usually hides from her father so they won't mistake her for a monster.


I'd say griffin or some kind of bird, since they fit the theme and aren't already represented at least to some degree. A unicorn would be neat, but would be stepping on Hazel's hooves. I like foxes, but we've already got a wolf. Kind of meh on dragons just because they're so overdone.


Wyvern's are just Dragons that left 2 of their legs at home!

Sean Parker

A flying one for sure for variety. Golden Eagles are big, beautiful birds, and native to northern Scotland. You also have Osprey's that live there as well. I'd be okay with Dragon with so many legends around them as well.

Drek the Bat

Mimicking a lot of what I see here, but: Bat, Pig, Bird, or Unicorn all feel great Otherwise a dragon works too ;)


Absolutely seconding (thirding, fourthing?) the cause of a bird. Golden Eagle seems a bit too obvious with it being the national bird and all... uh... Scottish Crossbills maybe... or Rook (albeit, I dunno how exciting crows are for some people)... Kingfisher are pretty ones... and I guess Owls are always pretty solid visually/thematically. Well, depending on your existing theme; they've got cultural baggage. The Merlin's kind of adorably small for a falcon if you wanted someone with a built in complex maybe.


Nobody going for a Selkie? As a different kind of shapeshifter / traveler they can be a new source of information, tricks, and conflict. If I was to vote for a bird, I'd probably go for an owl. I always figured a dragon would have a tough time that far north. Too cold.


Dragon dragon dragon. Or gryphon. Either are great. Should fly either way


Definitely need to toss a vote in for dragon there!


Personally I vote for dragon, buuut if you want to be different and creative you could do the Nuckelavee demon from Scottish lore!


Something like this was already the plan :B


Hmmm, what about Black grouse ? We need more feathers :)


I will think more for a fox sight that are prevalent in Scotland and very active


If you are looking for diversity, you can go with a Northern Crested Newt or a Bilberry Bumblebee. A newt can be a good compromise for those who want to see a dragon; Moreover, you could add a twist where everyone mistake the character as a dragon.


I'd really like to see more barnyard animals! So chicken, pig or sheep get my vote!


i like the idea of a trader coming to town but i think a fox should be in there. they are clever, intelligent, and cunning. that fits a fox to the T.


I love the idea of there being a dragon.


definitely Pig or bear TF


A fox, there are many in scotland too ;D


UUUUUUUNICORN!! <a href="https://i.imgur.com/4K3E3ZK.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/4K3E3ZK.jpg</a>

Lil fox thing

A pig tf would be delightful ^^