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Patron-Decided Romance - Species Vote

  • Dragon / Wyvern 86
  • Fox 77
  • Bird / Avian 51
  • Otter 53
  • Squirrel 43
  • Unicorn 32
  • Selkie (Seal) 19
  • Gryphon 46
  • Pig / Boar 18
  • Bat 23
  • Bear 14
  • Big Cat 23
  • Harpy 23
  • Badger 13
  • Cù Sith (Dog) 16
  • Fairy / Brownie 9
  • Ferret 19
  • Marten 11
  • Sheep 38
  • Snake 36
  • 2018-08-27
  • —2018-09-03
  • 650 votes
{'title': 'Patron-Decided Romance - Species Vote', 'choices': [{'text': 'Dragon / Wyvern', 'votes': 86}, {'text': 'Fox', 'votes': 77}, {'text': 'Bird / Avian', 'votes': 51}, {'text': 'Otter', 'votes': 53}, {'text': 'Squirrel', 'votes': 43}, {'text': 'Unicorn', 'votes': 32}, {'text': 'Selkie (Seal)', 'votes': 19}, {'text': 'Gryphon', 'votes': 46}, {'text': 'Pig / Boar', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'Bat', 'votes': 23}, {'text': 'Bear', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Big Cat', 'votes': 23}, {'text': 'Harpy', 'votes': 23}, {'text': 'Badger', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Cù Sith (Dog)', 'votes': 16}, {'text': 'Fairy / Brownie', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Ferret', 'votes': 19}, {'text': 'Marten', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Sheep', 'votes': 38}, {'text': 'Snake', 'votes': 36}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 9, 3, 7, 0, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 27, 1, 48, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 650}


Here it is! Based on your feedback, we took the most frequently suggested species and compiled them into the biggest poll Patreon would let us make!

Vote below on what kind of species the Patron-Decided Romance will be, or turn into!   Species are ordered by most- to least-commonly suggested.  We'll take the most popular three or four results and create character concepts from them, once you all have weighed in on romance type, occupation, TF themes, etc.

You can choose multiple options, so vote for as many species as you would like to see!  That'll give us a good overview of what folks are most broadly interested in-- and who knows, the results might surprise us!  So be sure to scroll all the way down, to view all the options!

Have fun!  If you have any questions, ask in Discord or in the comments below ^^  Can't wait to see who we get to include in the game!

(P.S.-- If a broad category like "Bird / Avian" makes it into the top group, we'll hold another quick poll to narrow that down!)



I'm in for the dragon! :)


Haha, it's bound to do well! But hey, you've got multiple votes-- be sure to vote for any other species you like that catch your eye, too, if you want! ^^


Doubling down with dragon and unicorn; gotta get at least ONE of the two most famous fantasy species represented. On a side note; the pig option was one I had not considered at the time, but yet am now intrigued at the possibilities of.

James Parsons

I feel the same, but Gryphon and Fairy / Brownie are appealing options as well.


Meh, Dragons are so Over done I feel, I'd rather an animal that is less seen in TF works. But oh well, maybe things will turn around. :)


Not too surprised about 1st and 2nd place But pleasantly surprised about the race for 3rd. Come on squirrels! Represent!


I'm glad my first choice is winning, cause bear and Cu Sith are getting dunked on.

Some Foxy

Damn it, so many good choices, i want so many of these to win its not even funny! But still feels like a win no matter the outcome. XD


We'll be making character concepts off of several of the top ranking species for you guys to choose from, so second, third and maybe fourth place matter too!


Agreed, glad to see the variety of species in contention for third place! A squirrel romance would be fun :3


True, at least it’s half represented lol


Come on otter!

Edward Dubois

I'm surprised dragon is so popular. I mean, I get people like it (dragons are cool) but don't we already sort of have one with Grace?


That was my thought. Just a land/sky dragon instead of a sea dragon :P


I didn't know I wanted fairy until I saw it. Some shrinking stuff would be awesome! just saying.


I'll admit that was my intention when I came up with Grace, but I've been told time and again by my dragon aficionado friends that sea serpents don't cut the mustard XD


A little disappointed that the two top choices are ones that are done pretty much to death. I like foxes and dragons, but they're so overdone in TF art and fiction. Don't care much for otters or squirrels and the ones that are less done don't have many votes at all. =( Gryphon, unicorn, bear, bat, and selkie all seem interesting to me.


I guess it's no surprise that the overdone ones are the ones winning the popularity contest ^^; We'll do our best to come up with some out of the box character concepts for you guys to choose from, plus maybe the third or fourth ranking species will be less common?