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Hello Beta Tester Tier!

Marion's Chapter 2 is here!  For those of you eager to playtest the new build, let us know what you think of it!  We will gladly go through your feedback and also address any bugs you find between now and the general release.

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Included in this chapter is another easter egg, this time a minigame ; )  Happy hunting for it!  Note that there are still a handful of placeholder sketches as well, which we'll be polishing up over the next weeks.  Enjoy the sneak peek, have fun, and as always, thank you so, so much for your support!



Ahh I loved this chapter so much my heart was paralytically burst out of my chest the whole why through and the art oh my god it already looks so good i cant even imagine how it will look onces it's complete. truly amazing totally wroth the wait and that ending ahhhhh I just cant wait for the next Marion chapter I Need It. now onto some bug so far i only notes three sprite bug. 1st being right after Marion's cow part revile at the picnic two of the little girl appeared and the 2nd was right after the church scene were Gran and grace just left Marion's sprite returned to her normal human sprite. that was at the line "she looks to and fro before wrapping her arms around my neck and tugging me closer " . then the third was not to far away from that one were her sprite lost her disguise form while im pretty sure it was suppose to remain on. that was right after Malcolm retorted to Marion wanting to go to the pub right after church.


Thank you sooo much JP, and nice catches! I just patched in the fixes, so the current download files should be free of those sprite errors. Can't wait to get back to Marion's chapter, too-- such a cliffhanger @_@ We really appreciate you playing it through, and the feedback! Glad you enjoyed it!

James Parsons

I don't know why, but for some reason Norton just dose not like the demos. It always removes a file it deems dangerous, yet it has no problems with the updated game files.


That is weird! Are you able to get it to work either by flagging the file as safe in Norton or disabling Norton temporarily while you download the game?


second playthrough done and only one new sprite error found this one being right after Malcolm test Marion's fingers and learn there going num the immediate scene after Marion returns to her human form and stays that way until she faints the page starts with line "graces starts laughing". with that said the second playthrough was still fun as the first and let me notices some thing my dense mind mist the first time that being marion has been mooing in some of her words which is just the cutes thing ever and i would love to see more of and two that tipsy marion might have lift her tail on purpose at the pub. also found the easter egg yay


The story is great. Once again Wat has outdone himself with the art and I can't wait to see the finished build and hopefully some color in those beta build pictures. I have not yet encountered any bugs but If I do ill keep y'all updated. Amendment: I'm just some person on the internet so I have no idea how narrative writing works... but I really appreciate the slower burn and the intimacy between Malcolm and Marion that I felt was lacking a bit in Jessy's first chapter. I personally feel that those relationships that build slowly are much more compelling.


*sees cyoot cow ears and horns* yes... *sees adorasexy tail shenanigans* Yes...! *sees last handful of chapter scenes* YEEEEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In all seriousness, this chapter was a joy to behold. The buildup between Malcolm and Marion and their mutual attraction was not only realistic, but it's very cute to watch these two move through their budding relationship; the gradually increasing levels of intimacy were very nice to watch unfold. The visuals were as always on point, very subtle details hidden in plenty of scenes that add to the atmosphere and feel of the story. Everything in the story felt like it had actual weight, real consequences. I mean, from a meta perspective, I know things will eventually work out. But that cliffhanger ending had me feeling very worried for Marion nonetheless. On to the possible bugs, I noticed a few minor sprite errors. Somebody might have already mentioned them but I'll list them again just in case: At the MacLeod house after the picnic escape, Marion's sprite changes to her human-ears one for two scenes right before she faints. Also, whenever Marion had her kerchief covering her new additions, and her sprite performs the 'surprised' animation, a second knot of her kerchief appeared behind the first one, slightly to the left. I noticed this during the scenes when the two had dismounted Hazel after she went after the bluebells, and once again when Florrie gave Marion the cake. One more thing that may be due to me messing up the download somehow, but in the Story Navigation and Scene Gallery, the unlocks I had for Jessie Chapter 2 were locked again. This was no issue for me, I just played the chapter again, as I would have anyway, but this confused me because I still had my Jessie files saved in the Load menu. Any thoughts? Keep up the excellent work! Now you've got me hyped for the fully illustrated version of Marion's Chapter 2 and Grace's upcoming Chapter as well!


Nice job finding the easter egg, and thanks for the other sprite catch! You've got an eagle eye! Did you win the minigame?


Thank you for the feedback! Having different relationship tracks was something we definitely wanted to explore with the different characters, in keeping with their unique personalities. I agree, the slower build-up makes for a more satisfying payoff, and it's nice to be working in a medium that lets us take our time to get there ^_^ Thanks for playing and for your support!


Hahaha, that's all so awesome to hear! We really appreciate the thoughtful comments, both because they mean a ton to us, and also because as close as we are to the game, it can be difficult to tell what works and what doesn't. We had some worries that folks might prefer to get to the action sooner, but so far the response has been appreciative of the time this chapter took to flesh out their relationship (and subsequent crisis!). We're really, really glad you like it! Regarding the glitches, SUPER-good eye spotting that kerchief error-- looks like the mask of her original kerchief didn't quite cover her base sprite in that one expression. For the Chapter Navigation, I realized in this build that the nomenclature I was using to label the scenes was going to cause trouble down the road, so I changed up the taxonomy... which apparently made the game forget that you've seen past scenes, since now they're labeled differently @_@ Sorry about that! Shouldn't need to change the taxonomy again ^^; Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a detailed response, and for all your support. Can't wait to get you guys the polished version of this build!


No extra sprite errors that I could see that haven't already been highlighted. Just wanted to congratulate and thank you for an excellent chapter. Marion and Malcom's tale is so far the highlight of this game. It flows well, is well written, and Marion is endlessly endearing. Am loving the transformation scenes, and what a tease at the end, looks like we'll never see a naked Marion in her pre-transformation state. I'm looking forward to Wat's final illustrations, along with the chapters yet to come. I wonder what Marion's reaction will be when her udder, or hooves on her feet grow in? Hopefully she'll fully embrace her changes; a naked Pucha Marion leading her herd would be quite a sight.


Haha, yeah, Marion's not quite as free spirited as her sisters when it comes to clothing removal ;) But maybe her inhibitions will drop once she starts to embrace her changes! Stay tuned-- and thank you so much for playing, and for the kind words!!!