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Hey guys! Time to announce a new, optional feature that some of you asked for, which is all coded in and will be rolling out with the next build!

There are currently 47 choice menus in the game, and almost half of them significantly impact the course or outcome of the story.  To help remove some of the guesswork, we've added a new option that will tell you which is which, called "Show Butterfly Effect":

Don't worry, the default for this option is Disabled, so your play through will be spoiler-free unless you choose to activate the option.  However, if you do so choose, story-critical choices will be proceeded by this short animation:

Hopefully that will help narrow down what choices lead to desired endings, especially as the game continues to grow!  And growing it is-- the next chapter adds another 38% to the game, by word count alone @_@  We're pushing out the remaining image assets and should have a build for our Beta Testers tier soon.  Thanks to all of you for helping make it happen!

Think you'll use this feature, or keep playing spoiler-free?  Have other ideas for features?  Let us know in the comments or in Discord!



Congratulations on the new feature and the growth. That's really cool. Sounds like this game's coming much larger than it was original thought to be. Good luck with it all.


I love things like this; seeing the scope of a project grow due to fan influence is super beautiful because it means people care just that much and YOU GUYS care just that much to put it in. Good luck guys, I seriously cannot wait to see what comes next!

Giza White Mage

This is actually a really cool idea! I don't recall anything like it being used before in any sort of game I played.


The full scope of the story was something I always had rattling around in my head, but I had no idea it would translate to so many words/pages! The outline was so much smaller, I swear XD Thank you so much for the well wishes!


We never would have thought of this feature had it not been for you guys! We really appreciate all the feedback and suggestions, and are definitely doing our best to incorporate as many of your ideas as we can. Thanks a ton, and keep the feedback coming!


Ah kinda similar to the butterfly or the notification telltale games use for when a character would remember something. Love the game the music is beautiful in my opinion and the art makes me want to go out and see these places myself heck I always found it interesting that people can live out on these islands out in Scotland. ((just a guess thanks to our kilt wearing barman))


You're welcome. And believe me, I completely understand how "unboxing" an outline and turn into quite the project. Good luck.


Yeah, Cheasy's doing a crazy-good job with the soundtrack :o Thanks! Hope you're able to visit the Highlands someday; pictures and art don't do it justice!

xRed Games

Cool feature!


Looking forward to seeing this feature in the next build.


We've tested it and it seems to be working alright, but if you do end up using it let us know how it goes!