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Oh no-- Marion's lost something under the bar!  Perhaps she's had a bit too much to drink...

Yesterday we released the latest build to our Beta Tester Tier, and can't wait to show Marion's Chapter 2 to the rest of you guys later this month ^_^  We'll take care of any issues the beta testers find while wrapping up the art, and in the meantime keep these sneak peeks coming (although I doubt this was the kind of "sneak peek" Marion had in mind)!

The SFW alternate of this scene is attached.  Enjoy!



Lord Zero 1606

Let's hope the other patrons are too drunk to notice her change.


lmao I assume she hasn't noticed the changes yet!


You know... to me it almost has that subtle look like it is suppose to be a peek of a view where her femsex and undertail sort of puff up thicker and bigger, going cowlike... I blame like 40 thousand mlp pictures... lol ^^