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Dear patrons!

Thank you all so very much for the continued support.
Three years can seem like a long time and yet, times flies by! Our to-do list has become an ever-growing monster.
Little did we know or suspect how much impact we would have on the FoundryVTT community when we first started!
We have almost reached 6000 patrons and almost 10000 people joined our Discord server... what? 😱
Every now and then, like everyone else, we get anxious and even overwhelmed by what life throws at us everyday.
Thanks to what we created with your help, it's easier to take a couple of steps back and marvel at what we achieved, feeling grateful and privileged. 🙏

The situation with Dropbox

A little bit of bad news on this front I'm afraid.
After many emails back and forth with the Dropbox team, we've finally had a definitive answer and confirmation from them.
The verdict is that, as it stands, with so many people needing to download a 5GB+ zip at the same time,
we require way too much bandwidth for what Dropbox has to offer.
A technician from their escalation team sent us this a few days ago:
"At this time Dropbox Business is the highest tier of plan we have available, in terms of available bandwidth generated per account. If you suspect you will need provide more than 4TB worth of web traffic downloads in a 24 hour period on a regular basis - Dropbox is not going to be the best solution for you. If I had more to I could offer you, I certainly would"
Six thousand people times 5GB is 30 Terabytes of bandwidth. Even if only a quarter of you were to download the zip or/and use the manifest link in the same day, we would still need at the very least 7TB of bandwidth per day, for a few days!
Thanks to all of you who offered some possible avenues to explore by the way.
The requirements for a FoundryVTT module are pretty specific and the only possible alternatives we found were either very expensive (in the thousands of dollars) or too complicated technically for us to do by ourselves.
We have reached for help and a solution is currently being worked on that is ticking all the boxes for what we'd need!
Developing an app/module of that scale takes time however so we're exercising patience. Please bear with us.
We're excited at the prospect though!

- Contents of the release -

Lightning templates - Cones and circle

Finally some lightning cone templates, we hope the wait was worth it!
One version of the cone works for DnD5e and the other one for PF2e!
Our plan is to eventually work our way to remake all of our existing cones with these two different versions in mind, make different ranges and upgrade their visuals at the same time.
One of the circle versions has an orb in its center (see "Lightning_Orb")

Texture used for the map and Tokens in this post are created by "Forgotten Adventures". See their Patreon page for more !

A burrowing creature erupts from the ground!

We still would like to create the ranged animation for a burrowing creature. Working out the blueprints in Unreal Engine was a tad complicated but we're working on it.
In the meantime though, here's the animation for when the creature bursts out of the ground.
We made a version with and without the ground crack and the stillframe of the isolated ground crack is available in case you'd want to leave a persistent mark on the battleground for longer.

Requests and fixes

A last minute yellow shield icon and markers was requested and we managed to squeeze it in this release!
A few spiritual weapons (simple version without "magic-glow") made it, namely a dagger, falchion, greatsword, katana, longsword, rapier, scimitar and shortsword.

The grey smoke_plumes were requested as a loop only, which is easier to use as tiles, without the need for Sequencer necessarily. Fair enough!

As always, you can check all the new assets by browsing through our Asset Viewer or read our Patchnotes.

Link to the Master Post

Link to the Token Animator Download Post (Epic and above only !)

Additional links

Thanks all! ❤️
Jules&Ben 🖖


Ping Wing

Cool stuff! Sorry to hear about the dropbox problem. Got me thinking of some ideas that might help. If re-downloading the entire module each time is the main problem for bandwidth, wouldn’t it be better to instead have a system in place that updates and syncs in only new and updated animations? Your site is already setup to show those assets, so Id assume there’s some api or logic behind the scenes there already for that. So in that way, it can take a big load off the servers when people need to get those updates for folks that already have the module downloaded. And as for the patreon lock, you could do something similar to the Moulinette module, and have a sidebar button to connect to patreon and check to see what the user’s subscription tier is here before allowing them to download those assets. Kinda solves the bulk of the data problem there Id imagine since most module owners would be only downloading like 15-20 things instead of the entire asset library every time


Is there a tutorial or guide somewhere on how to update the pathfinder 2e links to the animator? Burning Hands has been changed to breath fire, and so the spell doesn't trigger the animation anymore.