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Dear patrons!

Happy new year! 🎉✨🎇
We hope you're spending quality time, surrounded with friends and family for the end of the year celebrations.
Thank you so much for the support and best wishes for the year ahead from both of us! ❤️

Our setup on Unreal is getting better every day. We improved our experimenting and rendering phases drastically and we're happy about it!
Still a few things to figure out of course but it does speed up the whole process, which is nice 😊
Also, something happened to our hard drive last month and it stopped working... 😓
We had a couple of backups of course but had to replace it and we took the opportunity to upgrade its capacity, which in retrospect was a good move, seeing how much more we'll need for Unreal renders!
We render in EXR from Unreal Engine, which compared to PNGs actually has an alpha channel and is linear so is a better format for a linear workflow and for color management but it takes a lot more disk space!
And we also have to render each animation twice to circumvent the alpha/bloom issue we encountered in the past! 😱
Anyways, time to present the release.
Catch you all next year. Enjoy 😎

- Contents of the release -

A Flashy teleport effect

Depending on which type of game you're playing, there can sometimes be a lot of teleportation happening!
We haven't forgotten the suggestion for a "Star-Trek"-like transporter effect by the way. We want to nail it and so far it has looked weird, at best 😅
In our search, we stumbled upon an anime-style teleportation effect and realized we had nothing remotely like this.
As cool as these anime-style animations look, they usually require drawing each frame by hand for a more pleasing result and it can be very time-consuming.
But who can pass-up the opportunity to have a big creature, like a dragon teleporting right in front of your party? It should make for a memorable session!

This map is created by "RhasmusDnD". What's beneath this trap door I wonder? 👀
See their
Patreon page for more Fantasy, modern or SciFi maps ! 
Tokens in this post are created by "Forgotten Adventures". See their Patreon page for more !

On-Token Masks

We're planning on releasing a wind-stream effect (probably next month).
However, whilst experimenting with different materials, we figured this version worked particularly nicely as a masked effect on a token (using Sequencer's ".mask()" method).

Fire and Smoke

Fire and smoke. Always a welcome addition.
A few different colours, a complete version (intro-loop-outro that plays nicely with Sequencer) and a loop version for the flames, the fumes and both combined for a nice campfire!

A nice-looking aura template

Two colours and size variations available for this animation for now. Let us know if you want a particular combination!


A green and green-orange version of the Smoke Ring Loop and green variations of the Token-Borders (Circle Static).
The green-orange version for the Token-Borders was unfortunately a bit too complicated with the way this particular project was setup.
We'll create some new versions that accomodate for more than one colour, now that our Unreal's workflow is ready for the most part.
Also, some new colours and one new variation for Sleet Storm!

As always, you can check all the new assets by browsing through our Asset Viewer or read our Patchnotes.

Link to the Master Post

Link to the Token Animator Download Post (Epic and above only !)

Additional links

Thanks again and see you all next year!😊
Jules&Ben 🖖


Rob Leonard

Those on-token masks and template auras are especially awesome...love 'em! :D


Are there going to be updates to the pf2e stuff since the remaster?


If you mean the PF2e-Animations module, it's not up to us! It's a module developed by Vauxs, for free, on their free time. We provide the animations and that's about it :)