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"Quana" is just a way for us to track our release ! Module version v0.4.7 for FoundryVTT

Dear patrons !

Thank you all for your continued support ! ❤️
We've noticed that quite a few people have joined our Patreon using the custom pledge option, which is provided by Patreon for those who want to support us and don't care about the benefits.
That's the reason why you can't access the Master Post or why you can't install our module on the Forge. A solution is to edit your pledge and make sure you join one of our tiers.

Contents of this release


For this second release of the month, we added a few different missile animations and some patron requests.
The various trajectories for the missiles and the 'packhounds' version will have to wait, as the setup in Blender was a little more tricky and we ran out of time.
We opted to release only the straight path versions for now with different models. We also needed a bit more time for the "room full of lasers" and "laser-shooting eyes".
We haven't forgotten though and it shouldn't be too hard to make, hopefully ! 🤞

The texture for these maps and the tokens are created by "Forgotten adventures". See their Patreon page for more ! 
Except the Storm Trooper token which is created by "Devin Night". See this page for the full free pack of tokens and please consider joining their Patreon for more ! 
Note : We've included a macro for this animation in the FoundryVTT macro compendium if you're curious !

Eyes in the Dark

There was a request for some 'eyes in the dark' animations. 👀
We created a few different colours, densities and variations so you have more options to compose your own.

More Patron requests

A couple more colours were added for Divine Smite, some new glowing footprints for a more ghostly feel, a more contained side-fracture for the flasks and a new fracture for those lobbed ones coming more from the top !
And a last minute request for the spiritual weapon Scythe in white just made it in !

As always, you can check the new assets by browsing through our Asset Viewer or read our Patchnotes.

Link to the Master Post

Link to the Token Animator Download Post (Epic and above only !)

Additional links

Thank you again. Be well !
Jules&Ben 🖖



Amazing, as usual:)


Hi, I just updated from 0.4.4 to 0.4.7 by unpacking each individual update pack and adding it in, but I can't seem to find any of the throwables or missiles or anything from the last two updates. Thinking I did something wrong, I downloaded the complete manifest, but I still can't find them to add. Am I doing something wrong? Am I bugged? Are the packages bugged?


Can you see them using the Sequencer Database Viewer or by browsing to the "Library/Generic/Weapon_Attacks/Ranged" folder searching for Throw ? Discord might be easier to converse if you don't mind pinging me there. A screenshot would go a long way to understand what's going on and Patreon makes this kind of troubleshooting difficult. I can see the files on the hard drive and on Sequencer within FoundryVTT and nobody else reported this issue so I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing 🙂


The files are on my hard drive but I can't access the animation through the A-A menu. I clicked Customize Animation, selected Ranged for animation type, type: weapon, and under the animation dropdown, there's no bomb, grenade, missile, or any other option like that.


You most likely need to update Automated Animations to the latest 3.2.99 version. A-A is not our module though and we are not affiliated with Otigon but we do host a section in our Discord for A-A and Sequencer if you're having trouble !


Aha! Thank you very much. That was the issue. Sorry for asking you about a module that isn't yours, it all gets mixed up after a while in Foundry.