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"Kiri" is just a way for us to track our release ! Module version v0.4.1 for FoundryVTT

Dear patrons !

This release should really be named : "The trials and tribulations of learning a new workflow" 😂
Motivated, tired, excited, frustrated, happy, anxious, overjoyed... These are only a few of the emotions and states of being we went through while learning Unreal Engine.
Any new checkbox ticked, slider moved, particle system created opens a new world of knowledge to acquire in order to master it.
And this is only slightly exaggerated. The learning curve is really steep. And here we were, thinking Blender was complex ! 🤯
We are still very excited at the possibilities and the time it will save us potentially, compared to making everything in After Effects.
No need to wait five minutes everytime we change a value anymore, it's in real time !
And we have it set up so we can both work on the same project at the same time ! 😎
Anyways, we're quite happy about Sacred Flame, our first spell fully made in Unreal Engine ! We hope you'll like it too.
Thank you so much for your continued support. ❤️

We'll try our best to make a second release for tomorrow with another batch of patron requests and whatever little generic effects we have time to include.
We are consciously taking advantage of the 'Per release' system and you might think it's a 'money-grabbing' tactic, which is not really true.
You are in control of how much you're comfortable giving us per month with the possibility of setting a maximum pledge.
We see your contribution as a way for you to support us continuing our venture, not strictly a way to 'unlock' access to our assets.
You are charged only when and if we make a release but you will never pay more per month than the maximum pledge you have determined and you will still be able to download the second release (and the third, if we ever manage to get there 😅).
We hope this clears things up. If you have more questions about this, we'll be happy to answer them here or on our Discord server !
And, of course, if you weren't aware of this and forgot to set a maximum, meaning you ended up paying more than what you were comfortable with or expected to, send us a message and we'll send you a refund.
More info on our website : https://jb2a.com and on the Patreon documentation : https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002137871-How-per-creation-billing-works

Link to the Master Post

Link to the Token Animator Download Post (Epic and above only !)

Brand New Asset Viewer

A lot of you may already know, especially if you're on our Discord server but we are excited to share with you the new Asset Viewer !
Created by the illustrious Fantasy Computerworks team, the creators behind Fantasy Calendar, Dungeon Generator, and a bunch of awesome modules for Foundry VTT like Sequencer, Item Piles, Tagger and Token ease !
Oh, and they've picked Kobold Fight Club back up too ! 😮
Please, send them your love. They deserve it !
We'll just leave the link to their Ko-fi here as well, just in case you can't find it 😉

Quick Guide to New Asset Viewer

  1. Toggle to display the assets from the latest release only
  2. Switch between the free and Patreon pack
  3. Click on this bar to bring up the list of variations from the selected asset
  4. Previous Asset category
  5. Next Asset Category
  6. Next Variation of the Selected Asset
  7. Hover your mouse on the video to bring up these buttons where you can choose to 1.loop/play once 2.Play/Pause 3.Switch Background image
  8. Click on the bar to Copy the filepath to the asset variation (useful for pasting into Tiles or Tokens on FoundryVTT)
  9. Click on this other bar to copy the Sequencer Database path to this asset variation (useful for macros)

note :

The search is quite clever, you can sort by color or any keywords from the database path !

Contents of the release

Here are a few gifs recorded within Unreal Engine to give you an idea of how it kind of looks for us when we work !
The rest of the assets can now be previewed easily from the Asset Viewer.

Link to the Master Post

Link to the Token Animator Download Post (Epic and above only !)

Additional links

Keep'on rolling ! 😏
Thank you so much for the support.
Jules&Ben 🖖


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