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Hello Patrons,

As we said previously we are a little behind this month due to the complexity of the kit and the need to do a lot of test printing and refinement. We have never made a kit of this scale before!

In response to feedback, we have made the wheels slightly larger (only 10%, but it makes a visible difference).

We have also completed work on the modern front. It now how has a bulkier, more aggressive profile with a larger grill (based on real-world MRAP's) and also fits better with the rear elements.    It also features a Tow/Winch cable.

You can see new Heavy Grenade launcher and Recon Array options for the Hull Turret in these renders.

In response to internal team feedback, the biggest new addition is an armoured Top section which allows the turret to be rear-mounted. This is a lot more like most modern IFV's and gives the vehicle a totally different profile!
There is also space to mount larger turrets (which will be available in the future)

Here are more renders of the DUKW variant, including soft top and armoured top.

Below you can see the poseable hatch, opened to reveal full interior detailing!

Look out for more renders soon!  Assuming all our tests go well, we hope to have the kit available for download around the 11th or 12th of August.


Team Anvil




This looks awesome!

Andrew Dickinson

Like it a lot. How hard would it be to cut that interior out? I've got an idea for a ACAV-style Chimera and there's no readily available interior for one.


I didnt design it with that in mind, but the interior detail elements are all separate shells you could extract without to much trouble. I am possibly going to make a Blender version of the vehicle with lots of separate bits which can be switched on and off

Andrew Dickinson

No, I wasn't expecting or suggesting you would, I'm quite prepared to have a go at the slicing and dicing. It's just a project idea at the moment!

Kenneth Day

Well, found a new ride for my Arbites Enforcer Squad. Now I just need to put a police light bar on it.

Eduardo Martínez García

And now between the last month and this month I have a good idea for a diorama with both sets. I love it, I really love it


Frankly speaking it's pretty much terrible. Is there going to be sth else this month?


Really looking forward to this!


Is it designed to allow using the modern front with the soft top rear?


A concrete bunker to mount the turret, but otherwise no. It's unfortunately rather difficult to design a vehicle which is both interesting and to everyone's tastes.


Sweet my scifi guerrillas just got themselves a new ride

Gabriel frost

Hi guys is this going to be the August release?, i only ask because I've not seen any preview of the August release?