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Hi Everyone,

As we mentioned in our last update, Drop Troops  2 is slightly delayed, and we currently hope to have the download available sometime next week. All the sculpting is done but we still need to complete some test prints to ensure top quality and easy to print parts.

Test prints are particularly important this month because we are making some improvements to the way we do our supports.

The new supports will take up less drive space, be less likely to produce slicer errors and be easier to remove without any marks left on outer/top surfaces (see example above). More importantly, it will be easier to import the components into Blender or similar to do full digital miniature builds, if that is your preference!

Look out for the Drop Troops "Everything you get" post in the next couple of days.


Thanks very much if you completed the recent poll. We had over 500 responses which is fantastic and gives us a really good idea of where to go next.

The winner, with a huge 79.5% in favour.

Facility Containment Hazard Response Team 

So we are slotting that straight into the schedule. 

Whatever you accidentally left in your zombie infested/irradiated underground lab, you can leave recovering it to the professionals, ready to deploy JULY 2021.

We will be aiming for a near future sci-fi vibe, so the team can be used in any setting from present day evil corporation through to 2100 space exploration..  


Second place on 75%, closely followed on 74.6% were our Afterlife sets, Republic Grenadiers and Unity Council.

I (Joel, Creative director and designer of the original kits) am personally very pleased to see strong interest in an update of the designs! 

We will begin work on the revamp when we get a chance and you can expect to see one or both on Patron toward the end of the year.


Cyberpunk  2:  At 70.7% it's over the line for consideration at some point.


October Vampire Hunters: 69.1% is a solid result, so we will likely still run with this theme if we can come up with some strong design concepts which are likely to be useful in a wide enough range of game settings.


Light Mech 2:  With 64.7%, given the work required this is on the backburner for now. One option is an upgrade set for the Light Mech made available through our website directly.


Fans of Tactical Wizards, you can celebrate a frankly very respectable 62.4% in favour, and NOT BEING LAST.

Not enough to get a whole month, but impressive enough that we will find a way to sneak in a few characters or alternative weapon sets somewhere. 


Flying in low with an engine on fire and half the armour plates missing is our valiant Drop Ship on 62.1%.  This result isn't totally unexpected. It won't be any time soon but we can look at alternative ways to make a Drop Ship happen next year.

Thanks again everyone!

Team Anvil



Glad to see the afterlife sets getting plenty of love. Super stoked for those. Disappointed with some of the other results but oh well majority rules. If we are stuck with more cyber punk any chance of some additional orky type heads. Those were the best from the first batch.


I'm hoping the containment response team will work well for generic X-Com types!


I'd definitely buy upgrades for the walker. Here's hoping tactical wizards get some love on the store too if not here.


all about that corporate secruity. i need some cyber cops for my scifi board


Is there any concept art for 'tactical wizards' - I just can't picture in my head, which makes it difficult to know if I "NEED" them.


I just love the drop trooper set vibes, works with the afterlife theme too. Aren’t many nice non-gothic sci fi modular models out there and you guys are killing that area


Why are so few people in favor of a dropship design?


Size? And Complexity? Of the print? Would it need to be towards the print bed size of an Elegoo Mars - increasing the number of prints to get a complete model? I don't know - these are only my thoughts.


I love all these sets and can't wait to see them. Man, I would love a modern hunting bow in the vampire hunters set, no one seems to make one in 28mm minis.