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Next raw update will be up by this Sunday Sept 2nd.

As I mentioned a few times before, I'm pausing patreon starting now, so Patreon shouldn't be charging you on Sept 1st.

September isn't a good month to make new long updates for a bunch of reasons:

1. Got niece and nephew visiting us next week. Can't draw freely while these kids are around. It's gonna be a little weird when they ask why am I drawing anime dude/chick on their undies.
( ̄ー ̄;

2. Need time training my current flatter to pick up extra repeatable tasks, to fastrack future comic making process.

3. Need about a week to plot future chapters properly with no rush.

4. A couple fully booked weekends, and a long list of unavoidable life chores.

5. Might need to edit old chapters to catch up to the raw version before that webtoon contest ended.
Not sure yet, editing old work doesn't give me the same joy as creating new chapters, it actually made me miserable.
That's why I'm prioritizing the raw version over the contest.

I'll upload 3 more old chapters for the contest starting tomorrow, to meet the contest minimum requirements at least.

I'll announce the future raw updates when I'm done with all the list of things above.
I'll make sure the new chapter is worth reading when it returns.
(ETA 3-4 weeks after this Sunday's update)

Have a good week and a good month!


PS. I'll press the pause button again in September, so patreon won't start charging until Nov 1.




Take care. Can't wait for your triumphant return 😁