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Hi guys and gals!
The sketch above is a work in progress for the next chapter. His ear looks a little weird LOL (;^_^A

This patreon is still on pause until October 2nd, cos the biggest value everyone gets is the comic updates, which is not yet ready until Friday, October 5th.
So patreon won't charge existing patrons until November 1st.

I can do two long updates in October, (instead of more frequent shorter updates), cos the past few weeks been super busy.
The next couple chapters will be a little chill, focusing on the characterizations of these two, but the story will move faster after that.
( ̄ー ̄)ゞ

I've also been wanting to draw classy sexy nsfw art for a while now ( ͡° ل͜ ͡°) and since my comic just got demonetized (with webtoon discover officially switched to ad revenue), next month will be the perfect time to launch nsfw tier here on patreon, unconstrained by webtoon rules.
Woo hoo! I'm pumped!!ヽ(゚∀。)ノ 

I'll post the specifics about this NSFW tier soon-ish.
The main comic updates will still be my no 1 priority, but these extra patreon stuffs is gunna be like essential garnish that will enhance the main dish.


Thank you for sticking around and I hope you all have a good month so far!




Awesome Sauce can't wait for the NSFW content☺