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Ink and shade version of panel from tomorrow.
This chapter is a transition to the next one that is planned on April 20th where bigger things will happen.



Nadene Berger

BTW what is the promise Cora gave, who was it too...I'm guessing Zander?! Where is she needing to go...is it to free Zander??? Cause that would be like walking to her own death! Now I have to go back an re-read cos I may have forgotten what Cora said...lol


I actually have not explained more about this, but it will be explained in the future after they calm down from all the fight lol

Nadene Berger

That's ok I just wasn't sure if I'd retained all the story of who said what etc lol I'll just sit back an wait for the story to unfold :0) can't wait to see what happens once they both calm down an talk more indeapth


lol yeah me too lol, ince these battle scenes are time suck productionwise lol, but it's necessary storywise since they just met and there's no way that she's gonna just be nice to him considering the situation ha