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There should be minimum of 4 Hi-Def wallpapers released monthly, and I'd like them to be a different variety, not just one character.
Recently it's been Cora heavy chapter, cos she finally enters the story as the lead protagonist.
This is the shot of Kasei in his work uniform that has a heating feature, which will be useful in a cold environment.

Sorry girls, he's still fully clothed in the story, for now... lol ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 



Nadene Berger

No No don't shred North's ultra cool jacket...just the shirt is fine :0P thx for ur well wishes I hate getting sick cause it adds extra strain on my heart! I have a condition called PPCM 9yrs ago while pregnant with our 3rd son I developed pregnancy induced heart failure an almost died, its not very common to hear about an is usually fatal for mother an baby! So now my life consists on lots of meds that keep my heart beating an me a live.

Nadene Berger

But u learn to live with it an I'm blessed to still be here...their are a lot of my heart sisters not so blessed that have passed away. If things went wrong for me now my only option would be a heart transplant if possible. So u really learn to appreciate the little things in life :0) sorry if its TMI