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Hi-def version of this will be the first wallpaper for April 2018.
There will be two versions, the one with the fog covering her behind and the one without.
The one North saw was the one without the fog lol (^∀^)

The fog was just so I don't have to put the mature filter on webtoon (which kills the visibility of the comic) and still not get in trouble  ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌



Nadene Berger

Yeah I watched a video on fb this guy made a foot clay sculpture from basic bone type foundation through to muscle veins to skin layers shaping toe nails etc it was amazing to see! I think it would be easier to google still pic's... I'd get frustrated drawing my kids an hubby never sits still much, to much to do (its that adulting we have to do) :0×

Nadene Berger

I agree :0) my button tree painting is coming along almost finished painting the houses then for all the delicate fine white lines! Then hot gluing the buttons etc...I always manage to burn myself :0(