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He's just trying to catch her and take her back to the city, and a bunch of stuffs just keep happening ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Anyway, here's what's up with future chapters:
There's going to be 2 updates in April (the 6th and the 20th)
Around 90 panels is split for 2 chapters, with the first update a bit shorter (40 panels) and the second update longer (50 panels).

I can't update this Friday is because I lost the entire weekend to unavoidable life chores. (◞‸◟)
The turnaround from my hired help also a little later than usual, due to the amount of flowing hair and full body shots, combined with my very rough inking that is a bit of a nightmare for her to work on.
She also works full time and does flatting on the side, so delay can happen sometimes. ( ̄ー ̄;

This whole process is like a conveyor belt. While I was waiting for her to turn the next chapter's flat in last week, I was inking stuff for future chapters and sent it to her last night. That gives her time to do the flatting for those ink, while I'm doing all the rest of the illustrations for the next chapter. ヽ(゚∀。)ノ



Nadene Berger

I'm about to start a painting haven't done one in a while. If it turns out I'll show u :0)

Nadene Berger

U can check out my paintings on Instagram my username is Minkatz.75