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Okay. This render has an oddball reason for existing.

I was recently watching one of my favorite YouTubers, Maximillian Dood. Gamer, Twitch streamer, and connoisseur of fighting game hype. Recently, Max made a departure from form and started a playthrough of one of the scariest survival-horror video games out there, Alien: Isolation.

Now I started playing this game, but I fell off of it. Mainly because, as I learned the hard way, I am not someone that enjoys games where I'm largely helpless. Watching Max deal with this reminded me of this fact. But as I continued to watch him play, I found myself thinking about how much fun it would be to turn such a situation around on the aliens. Turn those predators into prey, so to speak.

Then I got to thinking about the various assets I'd recently acquired for DAZ3D, which happens to include a converted model of Ellen Ripley, the protagonist of much of the Alien franchise. And then I remembered that I had some sci-fi sets and even a free Alien Queen.

So I figured, hey, why not play with that? Why not turn the usual situation around and have Ripley suddenly powerful enough to turn the tables on her long-time nemesis? And the rest, as they say, is history.




Ripley had enougj


Considering all of the misery those acid-filled space roaches have brought her? She owes them a lot of pain.

Mike Smith

I watched TFS play this, and I wish this was an option