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Recently, DAZ3D implemented a new rendering engine for its software. And while it clearly still has some bugs in it, I have confirmed one of the major selling points about it; it's fast. Faster than anything I've seen from them. And fast enough to make DAZ3D animations more viable than ever.

Some time ago, I did a Halloween animated short in DAZ3D. I've been thinking of doing more of them, but given how much time rendering such animations takes, I've been a bit wary about going back to that. But with this new engine, such animations could be far more viable.

As part of testing this new engine, I'm doing a quick test animation It looks good for something I'm basically slapping together. This is the first raw fragment. So feel free to let me know how you think it looks.



She looks pretty natural


Glad to hear it. I'm seeing some hard limits with Filament in terms of some materials. More experimentation is called for.