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Okay. As you all know, I've begun the process of scripting the next few chapters of The Kinniku Kiss. And as I do so, I'm going to be whipping up DAZ3D storyboards for each page.

As I have explained in the past, I use DAZ3D to create the best possible references to use in my works. That way, every proportion, every element of clothing, the hair, the eyes, and more are all perfect from start to finish. And with my acquisition of even better models to use in references, I hope to see an increase in overall quality.

But even so, it will be some time before I can start releasing pages proper. Scripting takes time, as does roughing out each page.

So I got to wondering about my DAZ3D storyboards, and I thought that...perhaps I could post them? Give you all something to see? Both to reassure you all that I am working on your behalf and to whet your appetite for what's to come?

Thus we have this poll. Would you like me to post my storyboards? Then let me know below.