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hey ppl, hope everyones doing alright. the topic that got the most votes out of the 4 options i sent through earlier this month was the one about the post-pandemic eviction of the rough sleepers from hotels. thanks for voting on that, i think that was a good way to go about it. this is how the piece ended up:


i tried to make it so the central bit of the graphic could be pulled out and used by campaigns / organisations in the future if anyone wants. editorial cartoons are inherently pulpy and "of the moment" but it's great if they can have an evergreen aspect to them where possible. especially since so many of the issues we organise around seem to come around again and again :-V :-U :-C
also put a small thanks to patreon supporters in the bottom left bit of the drawing.

drew a pic for 3CR Community Radio's annual Subscriberthon. you can pledge to support them for the year at https://www.3cr.org.au/subscribe . my fav shows / weekly listens on there are Yeah Nah Pasaran! (amazing fkn show, i nvr miss it, Slack Bastard and Cam Smith research and examine a lot of far right stuff with an anti-fascist lens, somehow the show is also kinda funny) and Stick Together (tight weekly run-down of industrial stuff)

heres another of the drawings i've done in this 'worker slogan series', an attempt to make some clip-art type graphics out of some of our recurring catch-cries:

wld love to slap some of these up with paint rly big in public places. please let me know if you have any nice big blank walls near you / or belonging to you! wld love to do way more murals this year if possible.

and here are two more from the other series that i'm working on, definitions of classic labour terms, that will all click together into a big pattern when they're done:

and this one requested by Josh, who said it might come in handy for his OHS wrangling:

if there are any other terms that ppl wld wanna see me draw up first feel free to suggest, otherwise i'll keep plugging away at them. might draw a 'shuffler' (a jobless worker) and a hack next unless folks suggest other ones.

i'm working on a large banner about the enclosure of the commons, and their subsequent endurance, for an exhibition at the Museum of English Rural Life in the UK. i'm trying to write some text to structure the design around, been revisiting Robert Montgomery's work to get some inspiration, i love his stuff so much. his ideas are def distinct to "europe" / can't be transposed to australia because of the colonial reality here (ie "this land is your land" ideas don't work here, just like they don't work in the U.S., sumone tell Woody Guthry oop).
good shit imo:

feel free to forward this email on to any likeminded ppl if you like. i might try spruiking this patreon a bit harder out there in the world in the future since the majority of the work i'm doing at the moment is unpaid, and since i havent posted about patreon anywhere in...years, i think? but doing so always feels so fucking cringe!!!!!!!!!!! i just got a tonne of new stuff printed up, and will be posting the bits n pieces out to ppl who support a higher $ rate. for the rest of yas i will post about the new stuff in a future update and offer a discount or something.
o also, the shirts are coming along btw, my screen printer mate Stewie has rly bad RSI so is out of action right now but the box of blank shirts is sitting next to me staring at me, and he reckons he shld be good to print them up in Feb sumtime. keep u posted! thanks for the support!!




I love Montgomery's work as well. Esp the palaces one in the abandoned pool (later nightclub) in Berlin, and that one about God siding with the animals and the weather