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The final content update for VSR is ready and can be downloaded over here:


Also apologies for not responding to messages in the past week. I went full caveman mode, so I can get this update released on time :/

Whats New

- 10 New Chair XXX Positions

The buttons for those can be spawned with the same Toggle as Wall-Positions


- Body Touch Mechanics

This is mainly for VR gameplay. Thanks to ExtraTriggers from SPQR I have added several touch zones on girls body (Boobs, Waist, Thighs, Butt) with some reactions on touching them.

- UIAssist Preset (optional)

I made a preset for JayJayWons UIAssist for some easier controls inside the scene.

Main focus was to avoid the necessity to pan the camera during action, so the view can stay on girl most of the time :)

It has 2 pages of buttons. The first one are mainly action controls. The second is for adjusting some settings like boob, butt physics for example or to reset the scene.

Here is a preview of all the buttons: https://i.imgur.com/lrXybxC.jpg

I hope they are self explanatory enough. Otherwise you can ask me anytime or just click them and see what happens :D

I uploaded the UIA-Preset into the scene folder on mega. It also can be found inside the .var file.

Also here is a short CLIP how to add the preset into the scene.

The preset is mainly made for the FULL Version of the scene, so some buttons will not work (like cum, cream) in LITE versions

- Reworked Spanking

Like I mentioned in the previous post I completely reworked my old clunky spanking mechanic with help of SPQR's ExtraTriggers.

With this new mechanic its possible to spank each buttcheek with each hand. Also it does not directly react on the slightest touch!

Furthermore, thanks to the idea from Highfive :D I added two spanking modes based on speed. (3 modes were too unreliable unfortunately, since I had to include several hit triggers, which register the impact with different speeds)

- Reworked Lighting

Now there is a spot light option to all lighting modes. You can switch between the default point and spot lights with this button: https://i.imgur.com/q0L4zWJ.jpg

Also I completely changed the L7 & L8 lightings. Not sure if for better, but check for yourself :)

- Choking Improvements

I have added a "hip-thrust enhancer" relay, which increases the hip-thrust on choking. Also I have added dampers to reduce the head wobble on choking.

- New Penis/Hip Thrust Switch

The old one was not working properly, so I made new one over here: https://i.imgur.com/Qr5OLUb.jpg


- Adjusted Angles on POV

I made those with FOV set to 60 and tried my best to reach the optimal view.

- Fixed Idle Animations Trigger after Squirting/Pause-Mode

The girl did not go into idling animations previously. Now it should be fixed.

- Relocated Insertion Voice Reaction Trigger

The old one did not work properly and sometimes overlapped with other voice lines.

- Added Relay to Prevent RealGaze Activation when it shouldn't

Sometimes (after the reaction to the boner) RealGaze was triggered, when the girl was turning around, which resulted in weird head movement. Now it should be fixed aswell.

- Reworked LITE Versions

I made new LITE versions, to include the current content

This is it! When there are no significant bugs it will be the last update for VSR (at least for long time).

Next I plan to properly finish the club scene and start making a new scene after that. (Maybe the chair sitting positions spinoff inbetween ;))





I cant figure out how to get the UIA-Preset to work. It doesnt show up when i try to load it as a plugin. Any tips?


Hmm not sure exactly why this happens. You may have forgotten to add UIAssist plugin before loading the preset (the preset itself is not a plugin). Please recheck if you followed each step from this clip https://www.redgifs.com/watch/butteryfatherlywrasse


I greatly appreciate your work, and I will continue to offer my support. Nonetheless, I have an inquiry: when attempting to utilize the "alive" plugin, which includes sounds and facial expressions, particularly the mouth shapes, it appears to conflict with your mouth plugin, resulting in an unusual appearance of the mouth. I am uncertain about how to address this issue. Furthermore, the original moaning sounds have become somewhat monotonous. Although I am aware that I can replace the moans in "vammoan" with more adorable voices such as "Yumi," they continue to feel rather repetitive and inauthentic. I am curious if you might consider developing new, more genuine-sounding voices in the future, possibly in the Japanese style. Lastly, I believe it would be advantageous to incorporate additional oral sex animations. The previous one you created was exceptional, and it would be beneficial to include more oral sex positions, for instance, the girl kneeling with the male's viewpoint looking down, etc. This message encompasses several questions and suggestions; however, please do not be overly concerned about them. Irrespective of your creations, I wholeheartedly support and genuinely cherish your work. If feasible, and higher membership payment options were available, I would gladly select the most costly one to offer my support.


Hey first of all thank you for your motivating words and your support! I am always happy to hear when people enjoy my creations! Regarding your inquiry: 1. I just started experimenting (like literally from yesterday) with "Alive" myself and trying to add it to VSR. And yepp I also noticed that there are several conflicts with the plugins/animations I use in the scene. I could get rid of several of them disabling like idle motions, expressions etc, but could not find an option/checkmark to disable SFXs from alive (not sure if there is such option). So I definitely want to fiddle with it a bit longer to be able to say for sure whats possible and what not. If I will be able to configure it properly for this scene, I can save and share the preset then. 2. From what I know hazmhox is working on VaMMoan 2.0, which will have more soundfiles per voice. And I plan to recommission Emma again (for when VaMMoan 2.0 comes out) for more moaning. Did not plan any Japanese voice style commission though. Maybe in the future, but no promises on that. 3. Regarding more oral sex positions and animations...I will try to add more into the new scene, when I am finished with the Club scene :) They were a bit fiddly to do in VSR, cause the default dick was very thick, which resulted in lot of head and lip shaking. So I will plan little bit other design (with a bit slimmer dick) in the new scene. I hope that I could aswer your questions properly :)


Voices in Spanish ^^


Hmm Spanish would be cool. I learned it a bit, long ago in my school days, and like this language very much! I think need to gather some more experience with english voice commissions though, before I experiment with other languages. Its the first time I made one and it lasted already very long. But currently AI voice generators are getting better and better, and most likely will become a viable option in the future. So it would be waaay quicker to get the audio files. I have been experimenting with elevenlabs a bit in the past days, which is amazing for an AI, but the generated audio files are still not good enough imho. Also it can't generate stuff like moaning :/


I've already said it, but I'll say it again, this is by far the very best of VAM! I have to ask, what's next? Where do you go from here? I know I can't wait!


Heyy thanks again :D Currently I am tinkering with the Club scene and want to finish it completely by the end of April. I will make a preview/progress report regarding it by the end of this week I think. After the club is finished I have several ideas what next to do. One of my patreons came up with a pretty cool idea for an office scene, where you like cast secretaries and check their skills ;D Another option is to make a spinoff of VSR, but only where the male is sitting on a chair. Would be similar to the Cowgirl part with animated randomized position changes. Then there is always a possibility to make waaay better version of "Kinky Pleasures". I made this scene almost 3 years ago and in since then lots of new cool plugins were made (like Logic Bricks) and also I learned some new stuff and would be able to improve it a lot. But my most wanted idea is to make a scene in this environment: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/euphoricanguishedyucker I bought a license to be able to use it and already converted it in September past year and it looks super good in VR :D So I have been totally burnung to make a scene in it since then! I will probably need a mocap commission for what I plan though, so I might do something from the above options first.


I enjoy it but would also like a mode where you can have a forcer perspective to see everything more clearly. Amazing work though.


Thank you! What do you mean with "forced perspective" exactly? I kinda tried to achieve that with POV mode.