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I wanted to share some info regarding the upcoming update for VSR, since I did not post anything for so long.

First of all it will be a massive update, because it should be the last content update for this scene. The stuff which I announced to add (chair positions and some new lighting options) is already done since last week. And, as you can see in the pic, I also made a preset for JayJayWon's UIAssist for more QoL during playing.

At first I thought thats it, I test it like crazy, so I don't oversee any (big) bugs and release it. And, to be sure not to forget anything, I went through my bookmarked plugins from HUB and reremembered that this exists: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/extratriggers.20318/

So, with help of this amazing plugin by SPQR, I already could get rid of my old spank mechanic with collision spheres on girls buttcheeks and dudes hands and remove these stupid buttons, where I was not sure myself what they are for.

Also I could reactivate reactions on touching boobs and added some reactions on touching waist and inner thighs so far. Right now I am thinking about adding some more touch zones and maybe make the girl change main positions (like going from standing to BJ-kneeling, switching from Missi1 to Doggy2 or from standing at bed to going to table) on touching her shoulder or right arm for example. Some of those could be randomized aswell to make it a bit less predictable what she will do next. This extra trigger plugin is very precise so the possibilities are huge!

The current state of the scene is ready for release (I just need to redo the lite versions), but I want to experiment a couple more days with these triggers and see what more can be done. If you have cool ideas feel free to tell me :P

TL;DR: I am almost done with a huge upcoming final VSR content update. Just need couple more days for experiments.




"And, as you can see in the pic, I also made a preset for JayJayWon's UIAssist for more QoL during playing." Oh, thank the lord. Never understood why most scene creators stick with the traditional "wall of buttons"-technique when a superior alternative has been available for a while now. Hopefully, you'll be setting a trend here. Again ...


Maybe already considered, but would it be possible to trigger different responses based on speed of the user’s touch? I.e 3 different speed of spanking triggers 3 different responses etc. I am thinking mainly for VR here.


Yesss its possible and actually pretty easy to do with this plugin! It registers the impact speed :D I will see whats possible with the voice lines I have and also make the spank sfx itself in different volumes :) Thats great idea thanks!


Not sure about VR but in desktop mode it really improves the playability a LOT! In the future scenes I will definitely see that I include the UIA preset waaay earlier then this time.