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Hey everybody!

As I mentioned in the previous post I have been tackling (and still at it) "In The Club"  scene after the final update for VSR.

I have not done any previews yet, since there was not much fresh stuff to preview imho. I have a big urge to tell you what I am doing though, so therefore this post :D

What have I done so far?

In short I have been all over the scene and tried to improve it a lot and make it more fun to play!

In long:

Main focus went into replacing older Club mechanics with the better working and newer ones from VSR. So currently I have added things like Choking, Spanking with SPQRs Extra Triggers, a bit of Emma's speech (still in WIP phase), Expressions, 2 Layered Micro Movements, Active Dude part with Anal/Vaginal , Penis/HipThrust switches and Randomized Thrusting Speeds etc.

Here is a preview clip how it looks like right now:


Basically the only mechanics which I did not transfer from VSR (yet) is BJ-Part SFX and randomized Look Up/Down triggers and all the CUM/Squirting stuff. I think I will only add the BJ SFX from those, since the scene is already getting heavier and the CUM/Squirting stuff is consuming a good chunk of performance and loading time.

Also (maybe visible in the above video clip too) I readjusted the hip/head physics on thrusting, so the girl does not bounce too much back and forth when she gets pounded. And I changed the speeds & weighting on all transition animations and made them about 1.5 times faster (some more, some less). They were waaay too slow imho and I am kinda baffled I did not percieve that, when I was making them for the first time.

Ok now regarding some of the new stuff:

This is one of the mechanic ideas I had in mind for the new scene I am planning to do and which is mainly (not yet sure how it works in other mode) for VR possession gameplay though.

I have added a collision sphere with huge radius to a girl, to trigger reactions when you approach her. Here is a preview of what I mean:


Also the triggered reaction changes depending on where the girl is at the moment, thanks to "Select Choice" Logic Brick.

So in the above clip on the dancefloor, when she idles and you approach her, the weighting of idle animation gets cranked down, resulting in her idling with less force (not sure how describe that properly, but it should be visible in the clip). Also stuff like talking and gaze get activated. That way she can be touched and interacted with, without her moving around too much.

Currently there are not that many interactions added yet, other then SFX reactions on touching her boobs, butt, waist (like in last VSR update) or position switching on touching her shoulder or arm (I replaced the prevous collision triggers with SPQRs extra trigger plugin aswell):


At last I made some changes and improved the "Jukebox", replacing more heavyweight programming of it with VUML/ActionGroupers with LogicBricks only.

Also I have been experimenting with different Light Effects options with help of SallyFX plugin. I am not quite there yet, cause there are tons of possibilities how to make them. Here are best results so far:

For Poledance just using the 2nd trigger to change light angles, distances and color: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/foolishbriefarcherfish

And one of the ideas for the dancefloor with 4 different coloured spotlights, where only 1 or 2 are active at the same time and a randomizer logic brick changes, which ones are active, to the beat of the track:


The only problem with LightFX is that the tact giving frequency and song timing/tact changes in different songs and also occasionally in the song itself, so it would take some time to figure those out and place the triggers accordingly.

So to come to some conclusion/summary of the above wall of text.

I think there will be not enough time to finish the scene completely until the end of April. Well I probably somehow could wrap it up, if I dump some of the stuff like LightFX and rush the rest, but I don't really like that idea, cause it would result in some "Game of Thrones" ending to this scene.

So I am leaning towards huge update by the end of this month, since lots of the above stuff is done and working. The rest (like LightFX and maybe some of new stuff) will be taken into May. That way I can properly finish this scene for sure and for good.

What do you think? (at least the ones who were not bored reading all this xD) Should I rush and switch to new scene or properly finish the Club?




Sweet! I'm glad you're putting more work into this scene, I really like it. The new features already look great.


To answer your final question, I say finish the Club properly. I really love this scene and would truly appreciate a final polished product with your signature attention to detail.


Yeah, give the Club a proper do-over before new scenes.


if you get bored.... Lap dance with some twerking action :)


Was there also some scenery which wasn't needed slowing the scene down? I thought there was two floors for example 1 covering what might even have been a mirrored floor.


I will definitely check if I can find some mocaps for that. Animating it by hand would take waaay to much time.


Yes I already talked with GabiRX about it and he told me that he would gladly make the changes to the enviro if needed. I just need to tell him exactly what to change. So far I thought about removing walls and floor since they have reflection probes and probably eat some performance, which is total waste since I covered them with VAM slates anyway to have better shadows. Also I wanted to ask him to remove or decrease the reflections on the metal objects like chairs and tables (not sure about the pole though) and maybe change the name of the club. I think I will make a post about it in the coming days to make sure I don't forget something important.


I seem to have some trouble with this scene in the most recent WIP version. It's all on the right place after download and appears in the scene list, but when I click on it it shows the loading symbol then goes back to the main menu?


Hmm never had or heard of this issue, so I am currently clueless why this happens and how to fix it. Do other scenes of mine like VSR load well?