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Hey, hope you all are having a wonderful day! 

First some MS update; the next chapter is coming along alright. Managed to cover yesterday's word count and now the chapter is sitting at around 3.5-4k. But one thing that had been on my mind throughout the time was that...MS is currently trailing behind in plot compared to my other two stories, and its definitely not as exciting/engaging as it was a couple of chapters ago (the last MS chapter received the lowest likes till date I think). And its understandable. 

We had some nice fast paced action in the marvel world, but the story halted down slightly in Hogwarts. Mainly cause I wanted to properly introduce all the new things; dueling, tournaments, dungeons, etc, but I think that was a wrong decision. I should've spread it out more, perhaps towards the end of the year. I wanted to give Marvel and HP the same amount of time, but considering its been over 10 chapters in HP and we're still at the very beginning, that kinda fell off towards the other end. 

So what am I gonna do about it? Well, speed things up a little and hit it with some spice. After this chapter—which will introduce not just dueling, but also what's happening in MCU side—you'll be getting a mixture of plot and power progression, while also setting the stage for what's about to come, and introduce the changes I've made to the world at large. MS's world is, afterall, quite a bit different than Avengers. I should probably change the fandom from Avengers to Marvel on public sites but I'm being a little lazy. 

Anyway, what I have for you today is an image of Morgan Le Fay from the MCU. She is actually a canonical character in Marvel cinematics, starring in the tv show 'Runaways'. She has a clear connection to Dark Dimension, which the Ancient One sippons powers from, and will be entering the story very soon (as an Antagonist). 

Also, this ravishing image is also canonical, saving me some time and giving a much needed....inspiration. 

I tried to find/create a good image for Rose and Dorea as well, but it was taking a lot of time (thus delaying this post). I'll probably post them soonish, though only after I find something suitable.

Also, another thing....I'm going to start treating MS as less serious from now. I already have SOW and MGO where things are about to pop off into grimminess (less so in MGO, but still), so MS could be the more fun version to sort of balance things out for me. Plus the smuttiness will be starting soon, and unlike SOW Harry here has a lot of time to enjoy it. 

Anyway that's all for today. The chapters will come tomorrow, if anyone's curious about their respective chap, leave me a message.

Till next time, goodbye and peace! 

P.S: The QnA session is still on. If anyone's got any questions, feel free to ask!




Thanks for the update