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Yeah this sucks. Second time in the same month, and we've barely just entered April. Unfortunately the current MS chapter is going to be above 7k words, maybe even around 8k and I really need another day to complete it. Normally I always finish whatever scenes I've planned for a chapter, but I hadn't quite recover from the slight set-back my exhausted self had received after completing the SOW chap. 

Plus I've decided to change the MS chapter formula, introducing new elements to hopefully revive the story. Which basically means a whole new level of planning because my original idea of Harry's first year being a calm and uneventful training arc is just too boring. You're now going to be getting the next Marvel plot after...4-5 chapters I think? Well, definitely by the end of his Christmas.

I apologize for the inconvenience, we would've been on the next MGO chapter tomorrow had I managed to stay on schedule. But the recent chapters are all going to be above 7k so there's that. I've also spent some time editing Jacob's pov in the latest SOW Chapter, which a few of you had remarked about (give that a re-read and let me know what you thought).

Anyway, sorry for the disappointing news. The next chapters will definitely drop tomorrow, and in the following order:

Elder God: Mystique Soldier Ch.19

True God: Strange Old World Ch.16

Minor God: Mystique Soldier Ch.17

Demigod: Mortal God Ch.27

Well, that's all for today and I'm off to write now. Seriously thnx for understanding, I'll see all of you lovely people tomorrow. Till then, take care and have a wonderful day!



No problem