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Hey, hope all of you are doing wonderfully! Just wanted to let you know that I'm alive, but the last chapter kicked my arse a little—my mind is still very exhausted—so I have no Will to make an extended post today. Which is why I'm transforming this into a Q&A. You'll get the next chapter on time though, no worries. 

So, if you have any question about the stories—especially SOW, as we've just completed our first major arc—may it be the overarching plot, smut aspect, power progression...whatever at all, pls let me know down below. I'll answer the questions throughout the day after taking another deep nap.

Also, sorry for not post anything yesterday for the rest of you guys. I was just too busy with the latest Elder god chapter—which was delayed by another day—that it completely slipped my mind. 

Well, that was all for today. Comment down yours questions, and I'll do my best at answering them.

Hope you lot have a great time, and I'll see you all in the next post. Peace!



Hello there. I was wondering for Mystique Soldier when will Harry start fooling around a bit with girls? Bcz as much as I love the gamer system, levelling and getting perks, I’d feel some little bit more slice of life and fluff (maybe even smut) in between whilst at Hogwarts would be nice. SOW looks great and I am excited to see where you take it. MGOO however I haven’t read much, it’s a little hard as I am not too familiar with Highschool DxD and I’ve never managed to get quite into Percy Jackson fanfic. But I’ve enjoyed your two Harry Potter stories greatly! Keep up the good work!


The last chapter of SOW has had some definite hints of there being more elements than just the most common fire, earth, water, wind, etc. You did after all make a comment about a Force element which honestly sounds like some kind of kinetic or gravity-based element, but also when referring to James after he was hit I recall you mentioning a Death element or something. I was just curious on if you plan to have Harry's skill in Elemental Magic be something where he acquires his own unique kind of element that no one else has discovered yet like maybe space or time; or will Harry be more about the unusually high level of control or power he possesses when using Elemental magic as I could see you going either way.. The other question I had was on in general how long will Jacob stay with Grindlewald, will it be a short period of time where he will return but then have to struggle with the fallout from his choice, and how his error in judgment changed how his loved ones see him as a person, or will it be a long period where he ends up basically going down the whole Sasuke Uchiha path in that he actually ends up taking some actions that are far harder to forgive than running away with a Dark Lord. Those are at the moment the 2 most burning questions I have after the end of that AMAZINGLY AWESOME chapter. Keep up the great work and I await the next with immense anticipation.


Thnx mate! Now for your question... my plan had been for around December, starting with the yearly Christmas ball....but I think I'm going to speed things up a little, so you might start seeing some exploring sooner ;)


First of all, thank you! Now to answer...my plan was for him to dabble in most of the elements, while really sharpening a couple. And there's a big chance of him learning a unique element but I haven't decided yet. As for Jacob, it'll be a short one. Well... maybe not, depending on your perception. I can only say that he won't come back for the 4th year, but definitely before 6th year.