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Olivia Sophia

Nikelodeon did the creators dirty, it was reeeeeaaaaally rushed, so it sometimes feels a bit all over the place. A lot of people aren't a fan of Aang being a "bad parent" to Bumi and Kya, but I think it actually adds an interesting layer. With Bumi being the oldest and a non-bender on top of it, I think he must have been especially hard on himself


this lol !! him having struggles with parenting is incredibly realistic and actually makes all of the characters more fleshes out. also nick fucking them over so horribly is why i dont mind s2 as much as some people. still enjoy it heavily


if you're wondering why mako looks different it's because they switched to a cheaper animation studio for season 2 and you can totally see the drop in quality, fortunately it gets better again in season 3


Just a disclaimer for the rest of the season… the creators were done super dirty with Korra. They thought they were going to get one season, but after it’s success they gave them a season 2. So book 1 is mainly fan service with bloodbending, fire and ice duo, more worldbuilding, etc. still fantastic szn tho. With book 2 they were told it would be their final season with only a short period of time in between. After that season’s success, they were given seasons 3 and 4 which I personally find season 3 to be the highlight of the series like most. It feels the lost connected to the avatar universe. I think book 2 has really strong usage of color and the second half is great. Also the animation team that worked on avatar returns in ep10 of this season.


Is it just me or is korra’s defining characteristic “ungrateful”? Even when she learns her lessons, I feel like she never actually acknowledges the other people who helped her, and that was what I loved so much about atla - the teamwork and dynamics where everyone was valued. This is the first time I’m watching beyond book 1 so maybe that improves but it gets a bit hard to root for someone who is so dismissive of the people around her who are trying to be her support system

Luis Bandelow

The first season was the real original Korra Series, thats why it feels so smooth and closed. The other ones were just produced on command by nickelodeon later and i really think you can feel how they are all really isolated from each other and feel a bit artificial. BUT despite that i think they made a really good job with season 3. Its my absolute favorite together with season 1 and im really hyped when you get to it

Emi Wan

[Light spoilers] It's not just you, it was a common complaint in book 2. She makes backwards progress and endures experiences which should improve her character, but they don't, it's just sloppy writing at that point. It's very hard to watch, but it does improve, book 3 addresses this problem directly and makes her flaws the main thematic point of the season.


i dont think shes ungrateful at all imo. just tired of decisions being made for her her whole life, plus she has a really headstrong and stubborn personality so it comes out pretty aggressively imo.

Mikayla McCord (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-08 17:58:55 Kya isn't Korra's mom, just Aang and Katara's daughter (Tenzin & Bumi's sister). I don't know if we get Korra's mom's name but she's in some scenes at the beginning standing beside Korra's dad
2023-06-08 17:58:55 Kya isn't Korra's mom, just Aang and Katara's daughter (Tenzin & Bumi's sister). I don't know if we get Korra's mom's name but she's in some scenes at the beginning standing beside Korra's dad
2023-06-08 17:58:55 Kya isn't Korra's mom, just Aang and Katara's daughter (Tenzin & Bumi's sister). I don't know if we get Korra's mom's name but she's in some scenes at the beginning standing beside Korra's dad
2023-06-08 17:58:55 Kya isn't Korra's mom, just Aang and Katara's daughter (Tenzin & Bumi's sister). I don't know if we get Korra's mom's name but she's in some scenes at the beginning standing beside Korra's dad
2023-05-30 12:18:59 Kya isn't Korra's mom, just Aang and Katara's daughter (Tenzin & Bumi's sister). I don't know if we get Korra's mom's name but she's in some scenes at the beginning standing beside Korra's dad

Kya isn't Korra's mom, just Aang and Katara's daughter (Tenzin & Bumi's sister). I don't know if we get Korra's mom's name but she's in some scenes at the beginning standing beside Korra's dad


fair enough - i never want to put female characters in a box and force vulnerability out of them, but she was irritating me in these episodes lol. i think im just turned off with how she reacts to tenzin