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Indre Duobaite

This week I started watching OTH for the first time alongside you and I'm really excited to have a LONG old-school type of teen drama back in my life! Even though I should probably finish a whole list of shows that I haven't caught up with yet first 😅



Brianna Lord

I am loving this rewatch! ✨ buckle up for a journey with this one. Top tier

Dani May

so excited 🤍 I needed this today. Happy watching everyone.


I am loving your reactions to OTH and I'm glad you're enjoying it. So much left to go on your journey and yes, this is just the beginning of the five of them. It's a great buildup. I think that's what I love about this show ... is the build up and real speed of it unlike some other shows would just immediately change the characters or dynamics which ya know isn't real. Happy watching everyone! Can't wait for the next set of episodes.

Lorena Oliveira

I think Haley was probably talking about the british version of The Office

Desiree Mclaughlin

Episode 6 has always been one of my personal faves. Can’t wait for the next batch!


I've watched and rewatched this show so many times over the years, it's always so fun to watch someone come into it completely fresh with no idea of where the characters are going to go! This really is just the start, can't wait to see how you react to how the show builds moving forward

Dani May

I have been watching this show since the beginning and have rewatched it way too many times and episode 1x6 always has and always will be one of my all time favourites. It really puts the show in motion. Brookes comedic genius still has me laughing each time I watch this episode. It is the episode I quote the most. Loving your reactions. Loving your POV. Happy you love Keith as much as I do. Like you said, the characters in this show are amazing. Because of the length of the episodes/season you really get layers to each character and I can't wait to see how you feel as you continue to watch.

Jenny V

Even with having rewatched this show every year since I watched it for the first time. Episode 6 remains in my top 10 episodes of OTH, just because this is the first time we seen how the future dynamics can go and it’s just so much fun. I really like how everyone got along because of the circumstances they were put in and not some unrealistic reason. I also love how everyone is avoiding talking about Nathan in the comments 😂

Bangtan is life

It’s difficult not to spoil anything so I’m just gonna keep from commenting on most posts 😅


Wow I forgot how funny episode 6 is, I love all the new dynamics. Always looking forward to these reactions!


it took me until episode 6 to realise hailey and brooke are not the same person... not the 2000s all the same brand of pretty white girl casting confusing me


Are you on his Discord? There's an OTH Spoiler server where you can talk about it. 😂 Believe me it's hard not to comment anything here.


Nooo Hailey!! She's so empathetic, how can she like Nathan already? 😭


“What is this situation they are in” you are going to be saying that a lot on this journey, my friend


Haven't watched this since 2011. Rewatching it now I am reminded of why it's still on my list of favorite shows.