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Messes me up bad thinking about how Tarrlok’s last line is “It’ll be just like the good old days” 🥲. I’m having such a great time rewatching LOK through these reactions. Season 2 is gonna be great! Visually stunning and full of lore, I’m excited for you to see it


Thank you for giving Asami some love! She truly shows her character in this last episode and I am always so proud of her for doing what's right even though it's clearly devastating for her (on multiple fronts)

Kelly Lopez

Volver a ver Korra contigo hace que aprecie más esta secuela de lo que lo hice en su momento. Btw, amamos a Bumi, muero por verte conocerlo más 💗


not related but i think you should check out eurovision, this year's was aired last week, you might enjoy it as it's a music competition (although a lot of it is edm which i know you're not the biggest fan of)

Olivia Sophia

I really do think, that Korra wanted to end it up on that cliff. She felt like an abaolute failiure and maybe thought, that if she would continue the avatar cycle, a new one could bring the peace and harmony she thought she won't be able to. An actual avatar, not just an airbendet as she was now at that point. Also, I just wanna point out, she broke free of Amon's bloodbending, while out of the avatar state, Aang wasn't even able to do that with the father. So probs to her incredible strength. Season 2 is surely somthing.... I hope you find excitment in your Korra journey :)


Going into book 2, I would personally recommend focusing on the world building, especially in the second half. It really picks up in those final 8 episodes, but the first six are probably the weakest point of Korra. I still think its fantastic and I really think they stepped it up with the next finale. Book 3 is by far my fave of them all tho!

Marlyse Cruz

one of the things that LOK outdid were def the villains!! theres more storytelling and personality to them that makes the plot so much better :) cant wait for the next upload, and even more excited for later w book 3 which is my personal fave


The only thing I really dislike about this season is how she got her bending back at the end. I know why they had to to it which is the real sad part, but it would've worked so well if they made her go through the spiritual journey for season 2, and have her regain the bending at the end of it.