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Been waiting a long time to watch this! 

Again there's a spoiler chat area on discord in the forum section for anyone who wants to discuss the show freely! (I won't go in there till the shows over, no worries)



also yes, this show is fairly terrifying🤠

Tomasina Hill

I watched this show until I started getting nightmares...here's hoping I can make it through this time

Amanda S.

My husband has been trying to get me to watch this for years. I guess it's time 😂


Best day ever. He started TLOK AND AOT. My top three shows ever are ATLA, AOT, and Stranger Things. He’s watched all three. Korra is in my top 5!


so happy youre watching this!! i seriously recommend giving the subbed version a go, though - i feel like a lot of nuance is lost in the dub, sadly :(


watch haikyuu next the dub is so good


there’s this really unknown and underrated anime that’s really good i love it a lot but i dont think anyone else knows it the manga sold like 5 copies you should totally watch it its called fullmetal alchemist


Super Happy you are watching AOT! But maybe you shouldn't watch the Openings and Endings, cause there are heavy spoilers in them especially in the later seasons


agreed, id love the dub a lot more if so much wasn't lost. i also prefer most vas over the english ones.


me too! yuki kaji does an amazing job especially


I was in high school when this came out and the first way I saw about it was the weird kids wearing the cape all the time at school


This is one of my favorites anime (nana and madoka magica being the other in the top3) so i'm very glad you're watching it!


Aw man, I don't think I can do this one since Eren's dub VA is truly so incredibly irritating, but I really hope you enjoy this show despite a bit of whingeing here on my part, it is truly one of the most gripping and awesome pieces of media today. Love this channel and your passion and care for all the media we send you Michael, you're truly one of the coolest and kindest souls on the platform! Might still pop in for the big events just to see your joy :)) also loving catching up on your Sex Education binge rn, hope things are going well!


I prefer the sub, but it's such a good show, so I'll try to watch this with you. Honestly just glad you're experiencing it.


Damn, I got excited when I joined and saw you were watching this, too. It's too bad it's dub and not sub. The sub is really worth it if only for Eren Jaegar's voice. Oh well. Hope you enjoy the show.