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Haven't figured out how many episodes per watch I'm doing yet but wanted to start it off! 

There's a spoiler chat area on discord in the forum section for anyone who wants to discuss the show freely! (I won't go in there till the shows over, no worries)



YES I’m SO excited for this! LoK has a special place in my heart


hell yeah I love Korra, genuinely one of my favorite shows and characters ever. super excited for your reactions!!


legend of korra AND attack on titan?? ohh can’t wait !!!


I genuinely love seeing how excited you are about this world of avatar!!!


AHHHHH i didnt know you were doing korra this is so exciting 😭😭

Ray Criswell



YAY !! i didn’t know you’d be doing this so soon, overall i prefer this to ATLA as i can relate to korra more and some other things that i’ll probably bring up at the end.

Hedda Dybvadskog

I have never watched Korra. I actively remember being 10 going on 11 when the first ep aired and despite being in my "omg I am too old for cartoons and Disney shows" era, I still sat down to watch the premiere. Yet I only watched a few minutes. Something felt off so I stopped and never tried again. I think I just realized that it felt off because I always watched the last airbender with my older brother, but he didn't try to watch Korra with me. He was too old and we had grown far apart at that point. And we continued to grow further apart. But I am happy to say we are finally starting to reconnect despite living in completely different parts of the world now (we are from Norway but he currently lives in the Netherlands and I in Australia). And we are even going on a road trip this summer with our younger sister and have already agreed to rewatch avatar then:) excited to finally watch Korra now, might not be with my brother, but it will be with this wonderful Patreon family!!

Tomasina Hill

Love this show! The voice actors are everything, especially JK Simmons as Tenzin. Btw, for Aangs kids: Tenzin is named after Monk Gyatso, Kya is the name of Sokka and Katara's mom, and Bumi is after the King of Omashu (the one who loves rock candy)



Mikayla McCord (edited)

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2023-06-08 18:02:03 some people don’t like korra because she’s immature, but if you think about how she was raised and sheltered (she didn’t even know she needed money for food in republic city because it was always just given to her), you can understand where she’s coming from. she and aang are different avatars - aang had to grow up quickly as a kid because he lived in a time of war but korra got to be a kid AND a moody teen because she lives in a time of relative peace. idk, I’m just glad you didn’t go in hating on her yet and are appreciating her good and bad sides lol. also: if you notice how opposite they are, aang excelled at the spiritual side of bending but had trouble with the physical side. korra is an excellent bender but she can’t connect spiritually. i just love their characters okay rant over bye 😭
2023-04-10 22:01:37 some people don’t like korra because she’s immature, but if you think about how she was raised and sheltered (she didn’t even know she needed money for food in republic city because it was always just given to her), you can understand where she’s coming from. she and aang are different avatars - aang had to grow up quickly as a kid because he lived in a time of war but korra got to be a kid AND a moody teen because she lives in a time of relative peace. idk, I’m just glad you didn’t go in hating on her yet and are appreciating her good and bad sides lol. also: if you notice how opposite they are, aang excelled at the spiritual side of bending but had trouble with the physical side. korra is an excellent bender but she can’t connect spiritually. i just love their characters okay rant over bye 😭

some people don’t like korra because she’s immature, but if you think about how she was raised and sheltered (she didn’t even know she needed money for food in republic city because it was always just given to her), you can understand where she’s coming from. she and aang are different avatars - aang had to grow up quickly as a kid because he lived in a time of war but korra got to be a kid AND a moody teen because she lives in a time of relative peace. idk, I’m just glad you didn’t go in hating on her yet and are appreciating her good and bad sides lol. also: if you notice how opposite they are, aang excelled at the spiritual side of bending but had trouble with the physical side. korra is an excellent bender but she can’t connect spiritually. i just love their characters okay rant over bye 😭


I have never watched legend of Korea because I didn't think I would like it. But I am going to watch it with you. The girl is very annoying, she doesn't listen at all. 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


I haven’t rewatched this since it first came out! excited to watch with you, cause I forgot pretty much everything that happens😂


Honestly I really love Korra. I’ve seen other people react to it and it made me appreciate it so much more. I’m really excited to watch this with you especially after watching all your other Avatar watches. I think some people get so focused on comparing Korra with Aang when they’re two different people with different upbringings and personalities. But they both mean well and learn from their experiences. 🫶🏾 have fun with it and enjoy.


YESSS love that you're continuing to discover this universe with us. There's a lot happening in the Avatar world and a lot coming our way. Can't wait to revisit this series with you.


Nothing better than coming home from work and seeing this notification!!!! So excited


omg i saw the snk post and was dispaoointed for 1 second since you hinted at watching korra next, what a fake out for immediate joy!! the story is better in atla but the sheer quality of animation is so pretty is korra

W. Cody Pitts

Im so excited to rewatch this show too. While I think ATLA has an overall better run as a show, Korra has some of the most interesting moments. Where Avatar was a cohesive 3 season story, Korra's story is more individual in its story arcs because they werent ever sure if they were getting another season. The show was moved around within Nickelodeon and was at risk of being cancelled a few times between the 4 season. Its not detrimental to the story but I think its a good thin to know going in. I haven't thought about it before but you are right that this series has more of an anime feel that ATLA. Part of that is the darker tone of the series. I think this was geared more towards teenage kids because they were the fans who grew up watching ATLA. It always keeps the heart but they have a little less restriction. Also I mentioned it before, but you should check out The Dragon Prince at some point after Korra. Its not in the same universe as these shows but it has some of the same writers and also the voice actor who played Sokka. It is sort of like if Game of Thrones was written by the team for ATLA. Its eared towards children but its really on the level of ATLA.

miri (edited)

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2023-06-08 18:02:03 exactly!! plus, aang was also immature at times because he was a KID! he was forced to grow up early, he couldn't always be the goofy, fun loving kid he wanted to be because of the huge weight on his shoulders. korra was sheltered her whole life, and was also unable to have a normal childhood, she just had different circumstances. i love how similar, yet how different, they are to each other! and i think it's also worth noting that this is only the beginning of season one; we have to see korras flaws (just as we saw aangs) early on so that we can truly appreciate where they end up! aang & korra are my favorite characters in the atla universe and i hate it when ppl constantly pit them against each other or try to decide who was the "better avatar" because i adore them both so much.
2023-04-14 23:20:29 exactly!! plus, aang was also immature at times because he was a KID! he was forced to grow up early, he couldn't always be the goofy, fun loving kid he wanted to be because of the huge weight on his shoulders. korra was sheltered her whole life, and was also unable to have a normal childhood, she just had different circumstances. i love how similar, yet how different, they are to each other! and i think it's also worth noting that this is only the beginning of season one; we have to see korras flaws (just as we saw aangs) early on so that we can truly appreciate where they end up! aang & korra are my favorite characters in the atla universe and i hate it when ppl constantly pit them against each other or try to decide who was the "better avatar" because i adore them both so much.

exactly!! plus, aang was also immature at times because he was a KID! he was forced to grow up early, he couldn't always be the goofy, fun loving kid he wanted to be because of the huge weight on his shoulders. korra was sheltered her whole life, and was also unable to have a normal childhood, she just had different circumstances. i love how similar, yet how different, they are to each other! and i think it's also worth noting that this is only the beginning of season one; we have to see korras flaws (just as we saw aangs) early on so that we can truly appreciate where they end up! aang & korra are my favorite characters in the atla universe and i hate it when ppl constantly pit them against each other or try to decide who was the "better avatar" because i adore them both so much.

Elizabeth Gidney

I'm not sure if someone comment this or not Kya was Katara and Sooka mother's name.