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It means so much to us and prob so many people that you opened up about that, thank you and I’m so sorry it ever even happened 💝


I’m so sorry about your experience with SA, and I admire you for sharing your experience. I related a lot to the whole Aimee situation because when I was SA’d I kinda just brushed it off for a while and was too scared to say anything about it. It happened again and I did end up reporting it. It was terrifying because I didn’t know if anything would actually happen to them and I was scared they would come after me if they knew I reported them. It was definitely the right choice though, and I felt 10x better afterwards knowing that it was less likely to happen to anyone else. I love that they included that storyline because it could definitely be something that helps other people realize that they shouldn’t be afraid to speak up. Aimee is such a great character. Love her❤️


i really appreciate your bravery in opening up about an assault to all of us, i'm truly very sorry to hear that that happened to you. i hope you know that it's a big thing that you reported it to protect others. aimee's episode had a huge effect on me when i first saw it, and i got very choked up during the scene when she was finally alone in her room. i had a similar experience to aimee when i was in middle school (our track was open to the public) and i remember the school security guard taking notes and then watching him throw them away after we were done, and my friends telling me that it meant i was pretty. it's a hard thing to reconcile with, having support or not. no spoilers ofc, but i think you'll really appreciate the direction they take with aimee's story.


god i’m so sorry that happened to you, it’s fucking horrible that SA is so common. i related a lot to that ep in particular, and you’re so brave for bringing it up and bringing awareness. 💕💕

Tomasina Hill

Definitely appreciate you opening up. I was a SA victim in college and literally just told my family this past month and the trauma is still manifesting years later. People suck but luckily there are shows like this who touch on it in interesting ways without over dramatizing or making light


Massive appreciation for everyone being brave and opening up. I’ve also experienced SA, but thankfully didn’t cause a lot of trauma for me bc I was surrounded by a lot of love and trust. The people around me believed me when I told them about what had happened and I’m so grateful for that. I’m also proud of myself for speaking up immediately and not keeeping it to myself. Hopefully, we could be more open about our experiences if we could as it might help some people to speak about theirs and might help them with what they’re going through. Please know that people will listen. Michael, we appreciate you opening up to us. You’ve truly created a safe space for us here. 💖


glad you are finding it a comfort show, hopefully can remain that way after episode 3, it can be triggering so dont ever feel like you have to continue watching if you dont want to, i know the show has helped people in a similar circumstance as well, everyone processing things differently though. it's fucked up that that stuff is so common. im sorry you had to go through it. unfortunately i get it.


I'm so sorry that had happened to you. It sucks that there are such horrible people out there do these kind of things as often as it happens. We truly appreciate you opening up to us about it as I'm sure it not easy to talk about. Thank you so much for bringing awareness. <3

Jade Hunter (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-30 03:48:19 I hate to hear that you can relate to the SA storyline, and it's a shame that a lot of us here have some sort of experience as well. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing that, though. It's a reminder that this kind of stuff can happen to literally anyone, no matter how big or small of an offense it can seem like. Much much love <3
2023-03-04 06:05:24 I hate to hear that you can relate to the SA storyline, and it's a shame that a lot of us here have some sort of experience as well. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing that, though. It's a reminder that this kind of stuff can happen to literally anyone, no matter how big or small of an offense it can seem like. Much much love <3

I hate to hear that you can relate to the SA storyline, and it's a shame that a lot of us here have some sort of experience as well. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing that, though. It's a reminder that this kind of stuff can happen to literally anyone, no matter how big or small of an offense it can seem like. Much much love <3


Im gonna be honest, I don't watch the show, so I wasn't planning on watching these reactions, but as I was scrolling, I was seeing people's comments about SA and your experience and took the time to skim through to hear your story. I want to say I am so sorry you had to go through that. No one should have to experience SA. It's tough when it's "subtle" because the brain often blocks it out, makes excuses, or dismisses it as being nothing. I'm proud of you for reporting that guy to the people at the gym, I'm sure coming forward with it wasn't easy. I hope you continue to heal from your experiences. Sending so much love over💛