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rose hannah

Really enjoying watching this series along with you. Did you know that Jeffrey Pierce who's playing Perry was the voice of Tommy in the games, I just think it's cool he's in the series even though he couldn't play as Tommy


I am absolutely loving this show so far, I will say that I’m very curious to see casting for season 2! Part 2 of the game is one of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had so I’m praying they don’t fuck it up like GoT😭


Omgg I don’t know if you have heard but suga from Bts he’s going on a solo Agust D tour. I’m so externally excited for thisss.

Talía Caraveo

This show just keeps giving me emotional damage, but I love it. First with Bill and Frank's episode, now with Henry and Sam, I didn't play the game, so I didn't know the ending, so it wreck me. Both actors were incredible, loved this episode. Also I found out that in the game Sam isn't disabled, but the actor that plays Sam is in real life, and in the casting they liked him so much, they change that about the character, that's just so cool!


also not to be a total nerd, but for anyone interested, the types of infected are runners (most common), stalkers (most likely introduced in season 2, more shy and are absolutely terrifying), clickers (can't see, use echolocation), bloaters (the big michelin man guy in this ep) and the rat king (bunch of infected piled into one blob)


I would've never thought I'd cry almost in every episode of this show when it started, but here I am


Did the GoT team shoot this? T-T it's so damn dark, cant see anything


When Joel is at the window shooting Ellie's way out of all the infected and it's all about Ellie trusting Joel and they're so connected and the editing and the acting is sooo amazing... one of my favorite scenes ever


my roommate just walked in on me sobbing to this LOL

John Brady

I wasn’t a fan of the hard cut after the action scene either. I don’t think it worked. But that’s a nitpick, the rest of the episode was brilliant!


Melanie Lynskey, who plays Kathleen (the woman is after Henry), is one of the stars of the show Yellowjackets on Showtime and she kills that role too. Season 2 comes out later this month. I highly recommend that show.