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Lorena Oliveira

I really enjoy what this show does to the secondary love interests! They could’ve made Jackson a bad guy and that would be soooo lazy, but they actually managed to make him a very compelling and sympathetic character.

Talía Caraveo

Can't wait for season 2! Loving this show <3 :)


Watching this for the first time with you & im really hooked. It’s the perfect balance of fun & heavy


LOL I kept waiting for a plot line but I guess I mixed seasons together. Can't wait to watch along next season!


tfw youre bricked up on your front lawn on a friday

Julie B

I have to say I disagree with you on one point. What Maeve told Ola in the bathroom at the dance was not nice. That was girl-on-girl violence. Maeve said it to demonstrate that she knew something intimate about Otis. It might have sounded like friendly advice, but it was designed to make Ola feel second-best.