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Mikayla McCord

💓💓💓💓 thanks for the shoutout lol, i just love watching someone love ATLA too


Zuko alone it is maybe my fav ep yay (feels right that it's written and directed by women) I think you underestimate how messed up that whole family is. If you want to know what really happened in those flashbacks you can read the comic - 'the search', it's canon. although i kind of like the ominous feeling to not knowing everything. (obviously dont read it til after the show ends because spoilers) also (super random deep cut but) i saw a video edit years ago about azula and zukos dynamic set to numb by linkin park that i think sums up well that theyre both huge disappointments by one of their parents, like mirror reflections of each others turmoil in terms of the element thing i always thought of it like astrology for some reason, like you cant choose which youre born into - there are 3 signs in every element. so you're an air sign being a libra. (was zhao not ozai in the library flashback)


YEEES love some Zuko story. I've always loved Toph's name because it sounds like "tough" (at least to my non-English first language ear) and that fits her so well. I saw ariel commenting here that people sort themselves into bending types, I also identify as a waterbender and as a side note I'm also a Hufflepuff. I've noticed it's very common for Hufflepuffs to be sorted as waterbenders too. Anyway, the library episode is one of my absolute favorites becase I can picture myself being that man sinking with the library happy to spend an eternity there; plus the imagery in that building is gorgeous!. Another side note, V (BTS) is ambidextrous :)


Once again, another great reaction! I will say I watched the part where you sang part of "Gotta Go My Own Way" like five times LOL. I laughed when you said "What kind of High School Musical is this ..." Still one of my favorite songs of all three movies. Okay anyways moving on. Like I said previously, there are parts of the show that I don't remember. I did, however, remember Toph. I was always a fan of her character. I, of course, love the disability representation and respect how they went about it. I can go on a long rant about Hollywood and their mostly misrepresentation of the disability community. I actually think I did have one in mind when I was watching the Toph introduction episode but it went out of my mind as I watched the rest of the video. I do get it from the parents' perspective that they want to protect their daughter or whatever, however there are many parents of disabled people that overprotect their child and not let them learn independence and that they are able to live a "normal" life like a non-disabled person. Obviously if there was better and more representation of disabled people in the media, society would be more accepting and accessible which would better the disabled person and people around them. Okay, I said I wasn't gonna go on a rant but it just comes at times. So anyways I do like that she went out on her own to prove a point that she is able to do what she puts her mind to. Of course she should also learn to accept help at some point but she's so used to being told what she can't do or being over-helped so it is hard to ask for actual needed help. I also like that they don't focus on her disability and just let the character be. Another thing Hollywood doesn't understand. The disability doesn't always need to be the main focus of the story. It's just a part of the character and the disabled character also doesn't need to be the "star" of the movie. They can be the best friend, teacher, waitress, etc. Okay okay I'm done. Anyways, I also like getting the backstory of Zuko. I actually don't remember that episode so it was nice to see. I do remember Appa getting taken and I was actually waiting for that moment. I was hoping you kinda had a bigger reaction to that but I get it, there were two things going on at once. I can't wait for the next episode!! (Sorry for the long comment and rant)

Mikayla McCord

LOLOL “I want to buy avatar merch” literally me


I knew you would fall in love with Toph, LOL. I remember absolutely idolizing her as a kid. She is the coolest. Probably one of my favorite characters ever.


yesss welcome to the crew toph!! also zuko alone is one of the best episodes of this series

Jade Hunter

Toph!!! I loved her when I watched this show as a kid, and I love how they didn't portray her blindness as a hindrance, but rather something that makes her even stronger. The show really picks up from here from what I remember, so I'm excited for what's to come


The Blind Bandit and Zuko Alone are two of my favorite episodes in season 2! Toph is amazing and immediately became a favorite of mine. As Ariel brilliantly pointed out in one of the above comments, Zuko Alone is an excellent piece of writing and shows fantastic complexity of character in Zuko. Love the old western, lone cowboy vibes.


The Zuko + Iroh relationship is so beautiful, and this group of episodes illustrates it in such a wonderful way. So excited for this journey!


Toph is one of my favorite characters of all time :') i love her so much.

Don't call me.

not you singing highschool musical😂